Author Topic: Started birds for 4-H\'er?  (Read 3616 times)


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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« on: April 27, 2006, 08:23:12 AM »
Hi all,

I got a call from a woman who is looking for started birds for her son to show in their 4-H county fair this summer. I have birds I suppose I could sell them, but they\'re my breeders, and I\'d really like them to get something a bit younger, but still old enough to show in say, two months. They live in southern Ohio, so proximity would be nice, but I suppose we could work something out with shipping too if needed.

Does anyone have anything that would fit this bill? Of course, they are not looking for the top level SQ birds, but want something correct (their judge will be using the Standard to check birds.) And they are very much in love with Ameraucanas. They started out with some EE chicks, but understand those aren\'t correct, and want some \"real\" birds.

If anyone can help these folks, please email me soonest off-line at



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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 07:23:51 PM »
hI Laura,
We have large fowl silvers, we have an extra rooster that is colord nice, and an extra hen that is not colored right, (she has off colord leggs, not  willow, but not slate either, kind of a grisled look) both just about a year old, and we have a couple started chicks that look promising, but they won\'t be old enough for show untill fall shows.
we hopeto go to the endless mountains show in PA this june, we opted to noy o to Buffalo this year due to the price at the pump!! So that is as close as we will be comming to Ohio this year.

faith valley

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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 08:23:23 PM »
Wish I would have known earlier- just sold off a bunch of youngsters.  I have  eggs in the incubator- but that wont help them out  much- the birds  wouldnt be old enough to show this year.

I wish the 4-H kids would look for their birds in the fall.  It is pretty frustraiting to have kids calling the month before the show looking for birds.  I dont think that teaches the kids to work with the birds, they dont learn to condition them that way...  Pretty shallow win if they take the bird out of a breeder\'s conditioning pen and then enter it in a show.

Just my thoughts.



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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2006, 08:14:17 AM »
Quote from: faith valley
I wish the 4-H kids would look for their birds in the fall.  It is pretty frustraiting to have kids calling the month before the show looking for birds.  I dont think that teaches the kids to work with the birds, they dont learn to condition them that way...  Pretty shallow win if they take the bird out of a breeder\'s conditioning pen and then enter it in a show.

Just for the record, these are not my 4-H kids (I am in KY, not Ohio), and so I have no control over this sort of thing. I offered to help the parent because she said she had purchased some \"Ameraucana\" chicks from a hatchery, and was dismayed to learn that they were really EEs (she didn\'t know the difference when she ordered them.)

I can sell her some birds if I have to (although Barbara has offered some, which I will try to facilitate), but all my birds have been in breeding pens and show it.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions so far.

faith valley

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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2006, 08:27:00 AM »
Yes, I knew you were not in Ohio.  Hope the kids find something that they can work with.  It is a tough time of year to find birds right now as like you, most of us have ours still in breeding pens.  

I too have a 4-H club, & had been scrambling around locating eggs for some of our new kids that desired to change to a different breed or were new to poultry all together. We started hatching their fair chicks in January - so they should have some good size on them before fair rolls around.  We take a club outing in the fall to a large poultry show to go \"shopping\" for next year\'s entries.  That is really the best time to pickup those new varieties that the kids are looking for.  



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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2006, 03:43:24 PM »

what I have done with my 4-Hers is get them some hatchery chicks to start with, so they can decide on a like/dislike list to grt know a bit more about the differant breeds they think they like.  in the fall is a great time to go shopping, closer to winter the better, as the breeders are unloading surplus stock, before the get the \"pleasure\" of overwintering too many birds.
The kid have gotten some real bargains that way..not always the exact breds desired, but still good investments and stepping stones for future show prospects.


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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2006, 12:53:48 AM »
Hi All.  We too learned the hard way about EEs and mixed colors, legs, and comb problems.  The local 4H and FFA in central IL don\'t all have same rules we are also learning.    Some require only this year born chicks.  We too are looking for SQ ameraucana chicks to start over with this year.  Growing some of our own from last years purchases, but dont know for sure what we are doing.  

Would love to purchase some sq for local 4H, FFA, and open Jr shows.  I love the bantams and standard sized furry faced characters and blue eggs.  I combined some from Cackle and McMurray and have some unusual 2nd year chicks.  lol

Does anyone in Central IL raise the \"real thing\"?  Help?  Thanks!


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Started birds for 4-H\'er?
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2006, 09:00:37 PM »
Would love to purchase some sq for local 4H, FFA, and open Jr shows

The brown reds that Mike had posted for sale and just sold today would have been great for what you want.  
We only have two ABC members in IL.  Your best bet is to have a pair sent, if anyone has any left, or buy some at a show this fall.  Mike said in another Topic that he will probably have started birds for sale that can be shipped.