Author Topic: MIA - I'm back :)  (Read 31956 times)

Susan Mouw

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MIA - I'm back :)
« on: July 12, 2015, 05:32:28 PM »
I know I've been missing in action the last couple of weeks.  I've been fighting a nasty sinus infection that just refuses to go away. I just finished round 2 of 10 day course of antibiotics and prednisone, and still have a head stuffed full of cotton.  Unfortunately, it has also completely blocked my right ear and I've lost my hearing in that ear - temporarily, I hope.

Headed back to the ENT tomorrow (Monday), but I'll get busy this week and get caught up with everything. We have some new members, a couple of Meet Reports (and updated points), and updates to the website gallery that I'll be working on this week.

I was waiting until it was done to make this announcement, but I'll just drop this quick hint. :) One of the things I've been working on offers some really nice merchandise (mugs, t-shirts, hoodies)....And that's all I'm saying now.

Have fun with your gorgeous Ams, folks! Looks like some of the states are loosening up the AI requirements and some of the shows are coming back. Let's keep our fingers crossed for all the great Fall shows coming up!
Susan Mouw
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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2015, 08:18:35 AM »
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. I sympathize with you. I had the same thing about 3-4 weeks ago. We make a pair, mine was the left ear. The hearing has returned and I am almost back to normal. (Normal for me-I don't know if that is good or bad). Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Gordon Gilliam


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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2015, 08:56:10 AM »
Glad to see you alive Susan.  I hope you get back on the mend soon.  With our humidity I can't imagine how difficult it is to get comfortable and breath fully in this summer heat.  I hope you the best, Sooner than later. 

Gordon, glad you are doing better.  Any advice for Susan?   We might be able to find her some medicinal "shine" if you think that might help?  My grandmother was a stanch Baptist and would never dream of taking a drink.  But she always kept a bottle of whiskey and rock candy for medicine and would offer that to the family as needed.  Some of her other old time remedies were not nearly as normal. 
Don Cash
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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2015, 12:10:15 PM »

Gordon, glad you are doing better.  Any advice for Susan?     

Don, in my case no good advice. Just eardrops and suffer!
Gordon Gilliam

Susan Mouw

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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2015, 07:18:27 AM »
You two always put a smile on my face! :)

Well, we have a diagnosis now. It's called Meniere's Disease and is controlled through medication. Not really what I wanted to hear, but at least we can move forward.

I go back in two weeks to see how much my hearing has been impacted. Kinda enjoying the self-imposed peace and quiet, tho!  lol
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Susan Mouw

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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2015, 04:55:14 PM »
Went back to the ENT this past week to let him check out how the tube is doing and to check my hearing.

Well, it's official. I can't hear worth a hoot! My hearing test looks like a deep "V". In the "normal" 20-25 range for high and low frequencies on the left, then precipitous drop to 50-60 range for mid-range (human voice range). Right does the same, but about 10-20 lower for all three ranges. Ugh.

Doc says it is permanent nerve damage and probably inherited. Well, yeah - my Dad had hearing aids. I'm sure they helped his top dresser drawer hear better, because that's where they stayed.

Hearing aids not covered by insurance and are hugely expensive ($3K+/per) - out of this ol' retired gal's range. Good thing I learned lip reading while in corporate America!
Susan Mouw
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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2015, 07:49:26 PM »
Oh gee...sorry to hear that.  You seem to be upbeat about it though.  I don't think I could take it that well.
I have a slight hearing problem also, but nothing like yours.  Hearing aids are pricey.  I passed on them myself.
Hubby rues the day he brought the chicks home...

Susan Mouw

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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2015, 10:05:44 PM »
Oh well, Sharon..I've had lots of time to get used to the idea of not hearing.  lol

I am going to look into a couple of those sound amplifiers, so at least I can hear the TV without blasting out the neighbors in the next county!
Susan Mouw
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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2015, 01:17:54 AM »
My daughter says that I need hearing aides also. I tell her I can hear what I want to hear just fine. So far I have been able to tune her out. My chickens don't complain and so far I can still hear the roosters crow. Susan, after reading replies on this thread, maybe it isn't inherited, but has to do with raising poultry! Age can't be a factor can it? Dad's hearing aides always seemed to find their way to his dresser drawer. He would tell me "I put new batteries in the darn things and they still don't work". I would open them up and usually the battery was in backwards or no battery at all. I usually could find all kinds of batteries on the dining room floor. The only problem was which ones were the new ones he supposedly put in and which were the old ones. Dad lived to be 3 days short of 91. He never really complained about his hearing loss, that was up to others to do.

Keep up your good spirits and know there are others out there who can't hear a darn also, but won't admit it. I have never heard that the Good Lord has hearing aides. I have heard that he is always there for comfort or to listen.

Thanks again for all the hard work you do for the ABC.
Gordon Gilliam

Susan Mouw

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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2015, 09:20:34 AM »
My daughter says that I need hearing aides also. I tell her I can hear what I want to hear just fine. So far I have been able to tune her out. My chickens don't complain and so far I can still hear the roosters crow. Susan, after reading replies on this thread, maybe it isn't inherited, but has to do with raising poultry! Age can't be a factor can it? Dad's hearing aides always seemed to find their way to his dresser drawer. He would tell me "I put new batteries in the darn things and they still don't work". I would open them up and usually the battery was in backwards or no battery at all. I usually could find all kinds of batteries on the dining room floor. The only problem was which ones were the new ones he supposedly put in and which were the old ones. Dad lived to be 3 days short of 91. He never really complained about his hearing loss, that was up to others to do.

Keep up your good spirits and know there are others out there who can't hear a darn also, but won't admit it. I have never heard that the Good Lord has hearing aides. I have heard that he is always there for comfort or to listen.

Thanks again for all the hard work you do for the ABC.

Thank you, Gordon!

My Dad lived to 4 months short of his 94th Birthday and he never complained either.  I think his hearing loss was more "selective" than he let on, though.

Doc says mine isn't age related, that if it were it would show as a slow decline across the different ranges, instead of the "cookie cutout" type of graph mine showed.  It could be all those years of target practice (I was a sharpshooter in the Army), where I hated wearing my ear plugs and would pull them out when no one was looking. But, who knows? Whatever the cause, the effect isn't going to change so I might as well get used to it.  Actually, I think it's harder on those around me than it is on me.

I wrote a poem about God's comfort and grace - called "My Comfort", if you'd like, I'd be happy to send it to you.

Susan Mouw
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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2015, 10:15:15 AM »
Yes Susan, I would really appreciate a copy of your poem "My Comfort". Please email it  to me. Thanks in advance.
Gordon Gilliam

Tammy Tucker

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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2015, 08:28:55 AM »
Hi Susan ,
My hearing issue started with ringing in the ears . When I asked my primary Dr if there was anything for that he said no , so I just figured it was a side effect of my medications and just lived with it . Early last year I noticed that my hearing was  going in my right ear , Told my primary Dr , referred me to a specialist , took the hearing test , normal in left ear , about half gone in right ear .. Had to have a CT scan . Diagnosis > a small acoustic neuronoma brain tumor (Not cancerous)  that occurs right at the ear drum causing hearing loss .. After discussing all the possible treatments , since I have no other symptoms but the hearing loss , just going to watch it and wait and see . They are slow growing and Dr said a CT scan every year to year and a half would be enough to keep an eye on it ... I bought one of the hearing amplifiers thats rechargeable for $19.95 and it works great for watching tv and when I wear it out in public ..

Susan Mouw

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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2015, 02:56:15 PM »
Oh my gosh, Tammy!  That had to be scary!

I've adapted to the hearing loss - now if I could just get everyone else trained to speak up or speak into my left ear. lol  The hardest part is watching TV - I have to turn the volume up so high, the walls vibrate. (that might be just a teeny exaggeration ;) )

I hope you continue to do well and that tumor stops growing.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Susan Mouw

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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2016, 09:18:07 AM »
Update on my right ear.  Since it is still leaking after almost a year, the Dr has ordered a CT scan for this Friday.  My right eardrum is now not vibrating at all and he doesn't know why.  So, keeping my fingers crossed for a simple solution.
Susan Mouw
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Re: MIA - I'm back :)
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2016, 12:14:34 PM »
You're in our prayers, keep us posted Susan.
Gordon Gilliam