Author Topic: In need of Ameraucanas  (Read 2949 times)


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In need of Ameraucanas
« on: May 01, 2006, 04:40:59 PM »
Yesterday was a bad day.  While going to check on my girls I noticed a number of feathers all over the ground near the cages.  After further inspection I found that 6 of my girls and 1 rooster had become the dinner of Racoons I imagine.  Luckily the two ameraucanas that we purchased from orschelins last year were not harmed.  I am now in need of more laying hens and wanted to know if there is anyone out there that might have some chicks or pullets they would be able to part with.  I would like to begin breeding Ameraucanas because my three boys have fallen in love with the Idea of getting eggs that are not white or brown.  If you can help drop me a line at or give me a call at 1-620-384-5457  Thanks for your time.  William A. Glazier Jr.


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In need of Ameraucanas
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 06:54:07 PM »

Sorry for your loss. Seven birds in one night. That\'s awful.

I did an area code look-up and see you\'re in KS. I wish I could help. I have 20 babies and when they\'re old enough I\'m going to sell/give away all but three of them. They\'re 5 weeks old now and I see myself having to wait three to seven weeks before I can positively ID the cockerels from the pullets. If you can wait that long -- and if you\'ll ever be around NYC metro, in that time, it could work. I could also ship \'em, but that\'s a bit expensive and the weather has to be just right.

My birds are not show-quality. They\'re the result of Ameraucana Silver males crossed with Ameraucana Silver and Wheaten females -- and RIR females. The majority of them are the RIR mixes -- EEs. I don\'t think it\'s worth your extending extra effort for EEs and that\'s what most if not all of my birds ultimately are. They\'re beautiful birds -- don\'t get me wrong -- but if you\'re looking for showers, mine are not what you\'re looking for.

The pure silvers, if I have pullets are not for sale at any price. :-)


Also...I know you didn\'t solicit it, but I\'ll offer these steps to guard against future raccoon raids:

1. Lock your coop at night. This is a must.

2. Remove all feed from runs and pens and store in shed.

3. Chain link fence with PVT slats surrounding your run and coop....with a chain link roof.

3. Bury tin two feet deep to discourage burrowers.

4. Electric fence -- two strands near the ground and one or more strand around the top of the fence about the periphery of  the roof. For the top strands to work, the chain link must be connected to your ground system to form a ground return. Put on the most powerful controller you possibly can; make sure it\'s low impedance and pulsating -- no continuous. As a final line of defense, you run an electric fence tape in front of your coop doors at night. Run the electric fence outside the chain link if electric fences are legal where you live. Leave it on full-time, but shut it off if anyone is doing chores/maintenance inside the runs/coop. My electric fence is inside, because of where I live and we\'ll leave it at that. Mine is off during the day and on at night.  Oh...and be sure you walk the fence daily. Electric fences do break, short out, etc.

I lost one last year that was only here 10 days. She had pet status and I posthumously named her \"Innocence.\" She was three months old -- still a baby. Her sister, Angelina -- still runs around my yard with a poultry version of PTSD. Everything spooks the daylights out of her. I\'m $3K into the fortified fence and still have do my front pen -- another $500 - $750 for that job. I never thought chickens would be such an expensive habit....


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In need of Ameraucanas
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 09:07:24 PM »
I have two blue wheaten hens, that lay nice blue eggs. If you pay shipping they are yours.

Fenton, MI


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In need of Ameraucanas
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2006, 12:42:16 PM »
I would like to thank you all for the kindness that you have shown.  I have been contacted by Phil (AKA Brother Tobiah) and his kindness has been overwhelming.  Because of his kindness I would feel bad about  receiving any more of this communities generosity.  I plan on becoming very active with this wonderful community and thank you all for your genuine love for this special breed.  I was feeling a bit down  when my five year old and I went to gather eggs this morning but he made me feel better.  When we got to the cages today he said \"Don\'t worry daddy I think the Easter Bunny took our chickens so that  he will have enough eggs for everyone next   year\".   Kinda hard to argue with that.  Thanks again everyone.