Author Topic: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)  (Read 6850 times)

Spencer Crouse

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Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« on: November 12, 2015, 01:13:18 PM »
After going to nationals last weekend I now possess enough confidence to enter a show.
The Dixie Classic Poultry Show in Knoxville, Tn on December 5th and 6th.

-I was hesitant to bring any birds to nationals because I have not entered a show before.
-I was afraid I did not have any of which were show worthy.
-I also did not want to risk my birds catching diseases while having such a small hatch this spring.

After a fair amount of consideration I might enter two or three of my wheaten/BW/SW bantams I hatched this spring to allow myself a feel for showing.

Before I commit I would like anyone's advice concerning my decision. I have 3 males and 5 females I did not cull. I will most likely only use 3 females and 2 of the males that I hatched this spring as well as a pair I purchased from Jerry at nationals.

-That leaves me with 2 pairs and 1 trio of breeders,I plan to hatch every egg they lay from February until the end of May 2016.

Would you personally bring any birds if you had so few?

I have plenty of room to quarantine them when they return, but in your opinion is it worth the risk of them getting sick at a show?

I am a noob when it comes to showing chickens so after answering the questions any prep advice would be appreciated. I've done my research but anything you think is worth mentioning would be great! I've searched the threads but if you have a particular one worth forwarding I'd take anything sent my way.

Thanks, Spencer

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2015, 04:29:32 PM »
Hi Spencer!

First of all, let me just say...."Yay" that you're going to show!  I think that is wonderful.

As a newbie to poultry shows (my first one was just last month), I can only share my thoughts, but beware they are mostly bereft of the vast experience many others have here. :)

Yes..go.  Here is what I do - take this with a grain of salt :)

I mentally reserve at least one male and at least two females from each variety to stay home and out of any risk.  Those birds may not be your very best, but should be acceptable breeding quality so that, if some unforeseen disaster happened and you lost the birds you were showing, you would still have a back up plan in place.

I'm going to take my very best male of each variety because I'm going to win, not just to pay entry fees. :)  When I only had one cock bird in blacks - he stayed home, but now that I have several, I'm taking the best one out there...or at least the one I think is best. So, that's my first choices - the best of males of each variety.

I'm going to select a couple of females from each variety - I'd like to take the very best and the second best, but I realize I may have to leave one of those behind....just in case (see above)

My selection process will also include the decision of who is, or will be at show time, closer to being ready to show.  If my best male is 4 months old, then I'm going to leave him for the next show and take the next best male that is closer to being ready to go before the judges.

Then, I'm going to take every precaution that I know to take to make sure the selected birds have good strong immune systems before heading out. There are many theories on how to do that, but a couple of highlights - I'm going to make sure those birds are internal and external parasite-free. Parasites can bring a bird down and weaken it's immune system. I'm going to make sure the selected birds are of good weight, healthy appetites, and otherwise healthy - no leaky noses, coughing, or any evidence of disease or illness.  Not only do I want to protect my birds, but I also don't want to take a sick bird that may infect other birds while at the show.

Once I've done all that - it's showtime!  :)  And you know what the best thing about showtime?  Getting to meet new friends and spend time with old ones, chat about your birds, and get to visit. I've shown in dog shows and horse shows all over this country, but I've met some of the nicest folks at a poultry show. :)

Those are just my thoughts...hope it helps.  Have fun and be sure to let us know how it goes.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm


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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 05:18:22 PM »
Spencer, good decision. I have never entered a show or went to a show with the attitude that I was going to really tear things up. First of all when entering you usually have no idea of who is going to show at the exhibition or what birds will be there. Secondly as was shown at the nationals, no two judges will see eye to eye. This was a double show and the results varied. Go with the attitude I did my best and if I get beat, look at the winners and decide why did I get beat and what do I need to work on in my breeding program to get to where my birds need to be. Main thing, don't get discouraged as this may take several hatching seasons. As Susan stated worming in advance is almost a must along with cleaning and bathing of the birds 5-7 days before the show to let the birds preen their feathers back into natural shape. You can do final cleanup as needed as you check your birds in. 

Most of all just go and have fun!
Gordon Gilliam


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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2015, 05:36:32 PM »
Spencer you have to begin somewhere and its best to jump in.  You can learn a lot more during the process of showing and talking to others than to read up until you feel you know all about it.  Read what you can, but more importantly just start.  I think its great to hold your best breeders back like Susan said.  You will learn that the best show birds are not always the best breeders.  But you still have to make that judgement call.  As Gordon said, you will get to know your birds better that any judge that spends a few minutes with them.  So learn as much as you can at the show and you will learn to judge your birds and trust your judgement. 

I hope the Knoxville show is a good show and I hope there will be some nice AMs there.  I've heard that they are requiring AI tests for each entry and sales bird.  You might get by with less with an in-state flock.  This is similar to Arkansas this year except for the Vet Certificate.  I hope that it does not hamper the entries.  Our SE District meet is the same weekend in South Carolina.  And they allow PT testing at the door this year, no AI testing.  Come on down if you change your mind.  We will try to show you some real Southern Hospitality.   
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 06:29:53 PM by Don »
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2015, 07:08:16 PM »

  I've heard that they are requiring AI tests for each entry and sales bird.  You might get by with less with an in-state flock.  This is similar to Arkansas this year except for the Vet Certificate.  I hope that it does not hamper the entries.  Our SE District meet is the same weekend in South Carolina.  And they allow PT testing at the door this year, no AI testing.  Come on down if you change your mind.  We will try to show you some real Southern Hospitality.

Oh, I second that suggestion!!  C'mon down to Blackville, SC that weekend and we'll show you some Carolina charm! ;)

You and I are both newbies at showing, so we'll both learn from Don and the other guys there.
Susan Mouw
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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2015, 07:57:59 AM »
Hi Spencer, 

  It was great to meet you at Fayetteville!  Gotta start somewhere!  Enter those birds and enjoy the fun!  Knoxville is an ABC meet so if you win BV or RV you will receive points!, and of course more for BB or RB.
  Having only a few isn't like the risk of having 100's and bringing home a disease.  In 2004 we had to start over due to catching LT.  We have vaccinated for it ever since.  Presently the birds that we brought home from Fayetteville are in quarantine-just south of our house-next to our bedroom!  Yep, crowing at about 4:30 every morning!

  Patty Pickard, now deceased, wrote a very informative article about showing.  May try a search on the ABC forum to bring it up.

  Some hints/tips from me.  There is a product called VetRX-need to get some.  A few drops of it in hot water will make the birds shanks shine and cause the red parts (comb, face, ear lobes) to get fire engine red by wiping it on with a rag.  Check toenails and beak to see about trimming them.  Plan to write more for forum in the near future, since we now have the 2015 national behind us.  Almost every free moment the past 6 weeks was spent building the 51 plaques.
Paul Smith


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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2015, 01:16:49 PM »
There is also an article in our handbook on preparing for show.

Spencer Crouse

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2015, 05:23:11 PM »
Thank you all replying and giving some nice advice.

Too many people replied to quote everyone, but I will take everything written into consideration.

I am going to send out my entry form as soon as I get off work tomorrow.

As long as the birds don't begin to molt I am going to show one BW cock, SW cock, and 2 wheaten girls.
My favorite girl, splash wheaten, began molting while I was gone to nationals, so I don't think she is going to be show ready in time.

Again thanks for the help. I'm sure I'll be posting again here closer to show time.

- Spencer

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2015, 08:10:35 AM »
Wonderful!  Can't wait to hear how it all goes!

Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Spencer Crouse

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2015, 10:19:16 AM »
I think I'm all prepared,I still need to trim beaks but besides that the birds look pretty show-able. On my way to Knoxville, I'll post results when I get back home.

Ernie Haire

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2015, 11:45:34 AM »

We are going to be leaving later today to head to the Pelican State Classic in Haynesville, LA. Our birds look pretty good, but due to the recent weather I am not happy with them. We have had rain, rain, rain, and more rain. The birds are not muddy, but they do not look like I want them to look. We will do all that we can when we get there and first thing tomorrow morning to get them ready to show.

Good luck at Knoxville. I am sure that you will have a good time and represent the breed with nice birds. Keep us posted on the show. We will let you know how things go in Haynesville. Good luck in the show and be safe traveling.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire

Spencer Crouse

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2015, 01:20:55 PM »

We are going to be leaving later today to head to the Pelican State Classic in Haynesville, LA. Our birds look pretty good, but due to the recent weather I am not happy with them. We have had rain, rain, rain, and more rain. The birds are not muddy, but they do not look like I want them to look. We will do all that we can when we get there and first thing tomorrow morning to get them ready to show.

Good luck at Knoxville. I am sure that you will have a good time and represent the breed with nice birds. Keep us posted on the show. We will let you know how things go in Haynesville. Good luck in the show and be safe traveling.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire

Thanks Ernie, how did the show go?
Hope you have safe travels going back home.

I won BB and BV in my wheaten pullet bantams and in my blue wheaten cockerels.
I also entered a splash pullet and cock.

I was competing against myself but I enjoyed getting a feel of the show life.
Hope your show went well.


Ernie Haire

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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2015, 02:23:31 PM »

We had pretty much the same experience at the Pelican State Classic. The only exhibitors with Ameraucanas were Mom, my Aunt Mary, and myself. We all work together so the competition thing isn't too bad on the ride home. We did get to meet and visit with a lot of good people who are interested in Ameraucanas and some that have them, but aren't showing.



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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2015, 04:28:44 PM »
Spencer, Glad you have a good experience for your first show.  Your birds may have been the only bantams at the show but I hope that they were noticed by a good number of people.  It only takes one exhibitor to open the door and soon others will enjoy those colors and hopefully more as well.  Soon you'll have folks asking for birds and eggs.  Hopefully You will have a good group of breeders in your area to work together on the breed. 

Ernie,  I am sure its the same way with even the Large Fowl in some areas.  I know that all of you represented the breed well.  Paul mentioned before that they were the only ones showing birds in his area at one time.  And now think about all of the breeders that he has helped in his area alone.  There are more breeders in TX now than most of the states.  It has more to do with people helping others get interested and started than you might think.    I hope you all had a great weekend and are already planning your next shows for the spring. 
Don Cash
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Re: Dec. 5 & 6 Dixie Classic (Knoxville, TN)
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2015, 06:41:30 PM »
Great job Spencer on getting your feet wet at the Dixie Classic Poultry Show. I remember my first show and how nervous I was. I didn't win big, but was relieved just to see no Disc remarks on my coop tags. Next show went better. When I do get beat, it is just a pleasure to see the birds that beat me out and take in how close to the standard they come. It challenges me to see where I need to improve my birds. Good luck on your next showing venture!
Gordon Gilliam