Author Topic: BAD Mother\'s Day  (Read 2554 times)


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BAD Mother\'s Day
« on: May 14, 2006, 09:12:09 PM »
 Worst Mother\'s Day EVER...
 We got home from grandma\'s, to find that our two American Eskimos had broken out of their pen ( the somehow ripped the fence , livestock fencing, apart!!! ) and killed half of our chickens, including my favorite rooster, the Ameraucana I got from Michael of Bantam Hill, Tornado, my EE cockeral,Psycho,
 Polish hen,Ethyl, the two turkeys, Eddie & Gobbler ( Eddie is still alive, barely hanging on, doubt he\'ll last the night)
and  several others.
  The kids  had to see it all, as the chickens,1 baby duck, and turkeys were everywhere.  If anyone knows where we can find eggs, or even chicks within driving distance, that would be great.  We would like to try to find some like Tornado, he was the sweetest guy, followed us everywhere, would eat out of me & the kid\'s hands, even played in the pool w/ my 3 year old one warm day.
I\'ll try to attatch pics of him & Psycho.


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BAD Mother\'s Day
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2006, 10:14:13 PM »
I am so sorry for your losses!  Looks like he had turned into quite a pet.
I know where there is another one that looks just like him, and he needs a home.
  Also, I have a few bantams that I hatched from Michael\'s eggs.  If it\'s alright with him, you\'re welcome to a few of them.



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BAD Mother\'s Day
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2006, 11:08:51 PM »
That would be great, is he tame? Yes, Tornado was such a sweetie, he used to protect all the little chicks from the bigger chicks & hens.  From the looks of the yard, he put up a good fight, the rest they just killed & left , but his feathers were EVERYWHERE, it was horrible. All \"his\" pullets made it, they & the ducks  & the remaining chicks were hiding in the woods. He & Psycho were good buds,too. My daughter had been carrying Psycho all over this morning, w/ Tornado & the turkeys and the babies in tow...  she just got up, was having nightmares. Wasn\'t any way to hide it from the kids, the bodies were EVERYWHERE.

 My email is


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BAD Mother\'s Day
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 05:28:12 PM »

Very sorry to hear of your tragedy
we have had a lot of dog problems, usually neighbor\'s dogs.
Last summer we had one very nice turkey hen litterly be eaten alive, her back was missing it\'s muscle, bitten right to the bone, and the flesh gone, i thought she was dead for sure, was going to put her down..but her eyes were still bright, and she jumpped into my I just didn\'t have the heart, so I sprayed her wounds with blue kote and put her in the isolation cage, and left her to die in peace.....but the next morning she got up and came to get a drink and pick at the food a little, so I put some antibiotics in her water, and gave her some more food, recleaned her woulds and sprayed them again..each day she seemed to get stronger, and after a looong haul she slowly recoverd. she actually grew feathers enough to cover her back... and survived the winter...and now begun laying a nice clutch of eggs.

We have had chickens recover too from some very bad attacks.  but with the chickens, we seem to have more of a problem with them falling dead from shock, even the ones with minor injusies.

you don\'t say were your from, we are in NY
We have a small number of youngsters avalible, Silver Ameraucanas, an Naggagansett Turkeys, also Hooked Billed Ducks, but only a few, and we don\'t ship so the would have to be picked up at a show or some other arangement


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BAD Mother\'s Day
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2006, 11:18:06 PM »
I have Polish and Polish Frizzle Eggs. Let me know if you are interested. Would be happy to send you some. So sorry for your losses. I had that happen twice and I know what it is like, I also have small kids too.