Author Topic: Effort to seek approval from the APA and ABA for Splash Wheaten Ameraucana  (Read 4496 times)

Sarah Meaders

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As the ABC moves forward with the effort to gain APA recognition of the beautiful self-blue Ameraucana, we are beginning the leg work to follow suit with splash wheatens! I do hope someone does the same for splash, but I only have the set up to work with the SW. As Susan and the Board works on the Self-blue, she is guiding me on all we as breeders need to be doing to get other varieties on the APA desk. We are including bantams in the leg work to further that effort at the same time, but I do not know the differences in the process for the ABA.

First, I am still gathering the breeders who either are already breeding SW, are set up to (have BW), or are interested in starting from scratch with this wonderful variety. I have a Facebook group started to coordinate and communicate more easily, but I also have an email group for those not on facebook.

As several have stated in other threads, the first step is to get the minimum number of SW shown in at least one show each year. This number needs to include at least 4 of each; Cock, cockerel, hen and pullet.

So far, we have breeders in most of the districts joining this project, so hopefully by the Fall 2016, more than one district meet will have this number entered!

By the time the club is ready to petition the APA to consider acceptance, we will need to have at least 5 splash wheaten breeders who have been members of the APA for a minimum of 5 years to sign affidavits stating that. PLEASE DO NOT LET THAT DETER YOU FROM JOINING THIS EFFORT if you are not an APA member or have not been for very long. More than anything, we need to promote this variety and enter as many quality birds in as many meets as we can. The more we show nice birds, the more attention they will get. If you are not a member of the APA, please consider joining, not just for this purpose, but for all the benefits of membership you will gain. Here is the link to join:

Please either email me ( or Facebook me ( if you are interested in joining this project. I am hoping to have a proposed standard very soon, but until then, let's get organized! :)

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Re: Effort to seek approval from the APA and ABA for Splash Wheaten Ameraucana
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 12:44:56 PM »
Thanks to Cesar for teaching me how to re-size pictures. (hopefully he is not sorry later)
This is a picture of one of Jerry's bantam Splash Wheaten males at Nationals.   Please don't fault him for so much for type. He was not happy being placed in a strange place with several folks aggravating him.  Several folks bought SW from Jerry at the nationals, so hopefully there will be others shown in the near future. 
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 12:48:09 PM by Don »
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Sarah Meaders

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Re: Effort to seek approval from the APA and ABA for Splash Wheaten Ameraucana
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2016, 12:50:44 PM »
Thanks to Cesar for teaching me how to re-size pictures. (hopefully he is not sorry later)
This is a picture of one of Jerry's bantam Splash Wheaten males at Nationals.   Please don't fault him for so much for type. He was not happy being placed in a strange place with several folks aggravating him.  Several folks bought SW from Jerry at the nationals, so hopefully there will be others shown in the near future.

Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!!! He is gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see my baby boy, Don! Do you have an updated pic of your two?
Proclaim Yahweh's greatness with me! Let us exhale His name together! Psalm 34:3


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Re: Effort to seek approval from the APA and ABA for Splash Wheaten Ameraucana
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2016, 08:42:00 PM »
The young Splash Wheaten males are still growing out and have a lot of filling in to do yet.  In addition they are penned now with an old male and there is a fair amount of bullying happening as they start to grow up.  Hopefully these youngsters will be in a pen of their own for breeding season and ready to show this fall. They are from a Blue Wheaten mating pen.

Don Cash
Matthew 4:9