Harry, I know that many folks have stock from your line of AMs and we all greatly appreciate the time and effort you have put into the Breed. I hope that they will continue to increase in popularity as well as be improved all along the process. I think there still are many people that prefer the Lav name overall. The Self Blue is the established name required by the current Standards, and is the only way that this variety can be shown on equal standing with the Blacks, Blues and Whites at this time. I hope in the near future there will be a correction of the Self Blue name in all of the breeds that they are produced. It is a very beautiful color and deserves to compete on an equal standing. I hope to see more of this variety as well as other new varieties in the many shows across the country.
Ernie, I agree that the eight accepted varieties still need work. Not to hijack this thread, but the Old varieties can easily fall by the way side and the work that has been put forth can be easily lost when new colors attract the attention of the breeders of the day. They say in olden days that the Buff Cochin was as good as the Blacks and Whites. So we can continue this discussion on Susan's new thread.