(cross-posted from Real Ameraucana Group on Facebook)
"There have been quite a few discussions recently about "which club do I join?" and I thought I'd throw my few thoughts out there.
Of course, anyone that knows me knows where my loyalty is, but, putting that aside, how do you answer that question?
My thought would be - why not join both? Both have something to offer, both have long time breeders of top winning Ameraucanas, both have forums for asking, and getting answers to, the questions we all face from time to time.
If, however, you don't want to join both, for whatever reasons, then here are the questions I'd ask myself.
If you're interested in showing - which club has the most Meets, and has meets where you live? Which club offers points and awards for recognition of your wins?
If you're interested in gathering lots of information and history - which club has the most historical information and which club makes that history available for research?
If you're interested in being part of a fast-growing club, then ask which club is growing - not necessarily which has the most members, but which is adding new members regularly?
Again, I can't hide my bias towards the ABC, but these are the questions I'd ask if I were looking for a breeder's club and I could only choose one. The best answer still might be to join both - then re-evaluate at the end of the year and decide which one to move forward with."