Author Topic: thinking of the founders of the club  (Read 2359 times)


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thinking of the founders of the club
« on: May 27, 2006, 01:16:09 PM »
Some of you may have been around then or are some of them, I am curious about feather-footed ameraucanas. I understand and respect the notion of honoring the origins of the blue-egg laying chicken and am proud that has been done.

My question is, has the topic of creating some booted birds either LF or bantams been discussed? What were the points on which that discussion turned?

I know several people are working on some new colors, I am happy to be one of them.

The source of these questions germinated the other day when I drove by a house that had an excellent looking bantam brown-red cock running in the yard and I stopped to look at him and noticed that he had black feathers on his feet (like a cochin). Good comb, black beard, etc. I also have a blue bantam cochin/ameraucana hen that is an excellent broody since she is two years old I am reaching a decision point about her future.

Thanks for your comments, Greg

Mike Gilbert

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thinking of the founders of the club
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2006, 02:42:27 PM »
Hi Greg,

I am one of the founders of the breed and the club, starting when we formed the Ameraucana Bantam Club in 1978.   I\'m also a lifetime honorary vice president of the club, and currently serve as president.    Our idea was to create some order out the chaos that existed back then, not to mention the circus-like atmosphere surrounding colored egg (easter egg) chickens.   We have a written standard.   The rules for admitting new varieties are governed by the American Bantam Association and the American Poultry Association.   My personal opinion is that we probably have enough varieties already, since many of them are very rare and need more breeders.   But to each his own, and I\'m fine with that.
But to answer your question about booted colored egg chickens, if someone has them they are not and will not be Ameraucanas.    That would be like breeding a clean legged Cochin - what would be the point?   Good luck with your birds and welcome to th club and this forum.

Mike Gilbert


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thinking of the founders of the club
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2006, 07:21:29 PM »
Thanks, Mr. Gilbert!

I used hatchery birds to enter the hobby and have been studying various varities and adding them to my flock when I feel that I understand how to be an effective addition. There are just a few of the hatchery birds and only a couple of their offspring left other than that I have entered and consider myself a member of the fancy. I am looking forward to attending my first show and then entering and eventually winning with the birds I raise.

I am happy with clean-legged birds with our soil (red clay) booted birds in my opinion struggle during the wet season that is on average most of our winter. Yet like you mentioned to each his own.  

Also thanks to you for being one of the founders I have copies of both standards and they have helped immeasurably, however, there are times when it is nice to have explained the thinking behind the standards.

To all a wonderful holiday weekend, Greg