Author Topic: Please congratulate and support the incoming slate of Officers, effective 1/1/17  (Read 3432 times)

Susan Mouw

  • ABC Lifetime Award
  • Ameraucana Guru II
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  • Posts: 1736
    • Sand Castles Farm
Nominations ended yesterday, and with no opposing candidates, the nominees all win by acclamation:

President: Clif Redden
Secretary/Treasurer: Susan Mouw
Western District Director: Jean Ribbeck
North Central District Director: Gordon Gilliam
North East District Directory: Larry Clionsky
South East District Director: Don Cash
South Central District Director: Paul Smith

There will still be an election, but only the changes to the Constitution (posted earlier) will be included.

Thank you, everyone!
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

  • ABC Members
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  • Posts: 184
Congratulations to all of the new ABC Officers. We here at Poultry 2XL appreciate all that you do for the ABC and the Ameraucana breed.

Ernie Haire
Poultry 2XL
Arp, Texas

Lavender Sullivan

  • Guest
Thank you all for your dedication to the breed!