Author Topic: 2016 National Silent Auction - Final Results  (Read 6195 times)

Susan Mouw

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2016 National Silent Auction - Final Results
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:10:06 AM »
Ok, I  have all the winning bids in hand now and here are the final results:

There were actually two types of items offered in this year's Silent Auction - one for onsite bids only, for all the items that were present at the Meet and could be taken home; and one for onsite and offsite bids, for all the items donated for next Spring's delivery.

Onsite Bids Only

  • 2016 APA Spiral-bound Standard of Perfection - donated by the APA. Won by Jake Hendzel
  • Black Hoodie with large graphic of ABC Logo and the 2014 APA National CH - Black Ameraucana Cockerel - donated by the ABC. Won by Athena Balderas
  • Black Ladies T-shirt with the ABC Logo - donated by the ABC. Won by Athena Balderas
  • Young Trio of Black Large Fowl - donated by Susan Mouw. Won by Athena Balderas
  • Pair of White Large Fowl - donated by Paul & Angela Smith. Won by Kardine Philiip
  • White Bantam Cockerel - donated by Ernie Haire. Won by Jake Hendzel

Onsite and Offsite Items - for delivery Spring 2017

  • 3 Sebastopol goose eggs, by Jean Ribbeck. Won by Jenna Hill
  • 10 black Large Fowl chicks, by Susan Mouw. Won by Jonathan Stone
  • 1 doz bantam wheaten eggs, by Jeffery and Sherry Vance. Won by Peggy Taylor
  • 1 doz black Large Fowl eggs, by Clif Redden. Won by Angie Shingler
  • 1 doz black Large Fowl eggs, by Clif Redden. Won by Kelly Gore
  • 1 doz brown red Large Fowl eggs, by Clif Redden. Won by Kelsey Thomas
  • 1 doz LF White eggs, by Ernie Haire. Won by Victoria Martinsen
  • 20 assorted large fowl chicks. Blue, black, splash, wheaten, blue wheaten, by Max Strawn. Won by Don Cash
  • 1 doz LF Wheaten eggs, by Peggy Taylor. Won by Paul & Angela Smith
  • 1 doz asst. bantam eggs: black, blue, self-blue, white, by Ernie Haire. Won by Don Cash
  • 1 doz Bantam wheaten/blue wheaten eggs, by Peggy Taylor. Won by Don Cash

Total all Silent Auction winning bids - $752.00. 

We also had a cash donation of $50 to the General Trophy fund, from Gordon Gilliam, giving a total of $802.00 towards the 2017 National Meet. (Correction - this was to be used for the 2016 General Trophy fund, so offsets this year's National expenses - thank you again, Gordon Gilliam!)

Congratulations to all the winning bidders and a huge thank you to all who donated for the Silent Auction!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 10:13:56 AM by Susan Mouw »
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

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Re: 2016 National Silent Auction - Final Results
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2016, 11:59:21 AM »
It is great to see that our members and others purchased items in both auctions. I am happy to see that we were able to sell everything that was donated. The money that was raised will be put to good use.

I think that this was a  great way to handle the Silent Auctions. Not only did it help the club raise money, but it gave those of us who couldn't attend a way to participate. We were not able to attend the show, but we were able to participate in the Silent Auctions. We really appreciate all of the hard work that our leaders did to make the National Show and the Silent Auctions successful.

We are looking forward to next year's National Show and Silent Auction. We plan on donating and participating in next years Silent Aucation whether we are able to attend the show or not. We would like to ask other breeders to consider donating to the Silent Auction next year.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire

Susan Mouw

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Re: 2016 National Silent Auction - Final Results
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2016, 12:59:11 PM »
 I would totally support doing this again next year. In fact, I hope it becomes a new tradition.

But.. One year, I might turn it over to someone else so I can bid, too. ;)
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Peggy Taylor

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Re: 2016 National Silent Auction - Final Results
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2016, 05:49:06 PM »
It was so great to see a good result for the silent auction;  I was so pleased to be able to participate both as a bidder (got what I wanted :) ) and being able to donate as well.  Like Ernie said, it gave all of us that couldn't be there a chance to help in some way. Hope we do this every year....I can always find something I just have to bid on and will be more than willing to donate as well.  Thanks Susan, Jean and everybody that worked so hard to get this done.  We appreciate you.
