Author Topic: South Central district meet Shawnee, Oklahoma 12-10 & 11, 2016  (Read 4327 times)


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South Central district meet Shawnee, Oklahoma 12-10 & 11, 2016
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:38:06 PM »
  Our South Central District meet was a success which created history!  We successfully completed the first pre-qualifying meet with a minimum of 4 cocks, 4 hens, 4 cockerels and 4 pullets for the self blue large fowl recognition process with the APA.  Self blue is the correct and only name that both the APA and ABA are going to accept, as neither organization want some breed clubs incorrectly calling them lavender and some calling them self blue.  There were 6 cocks, 6 hens, 5 cockerels, and 8 pullets for a total of 25 shown by four exhibitors in the self blue class.  Judge Jim Sallee spoke favorably of the self blue producing encouragement of their recognition!  Jim said some of the pullets and hens were very nice, the males like the other self blue breeds have issues.  It was very encouraging to know that Ameraucanas weren’t all alone with male self blue issues!  I soon can see a self blue hen or pullet on “Champion Row”!  A great deal of encouragement came with the understanding that only 25 self blue are required at our two qualifying meets, rather than 50!  Fifty are required for new breeds, and 25 are required for new varieties of existing breeds!  A special thanks goes to Shannon Rowe, Howard Story, Paul & Angela Smith, and April Howington (in exhibitor list order) for making this pre-qualifying meet a success!  Paul & Angela Smith had BV on a pullet and RV on a hen.

  The blue class had 12 head shown by 5 exhibitors.  Max Strawn had BV on a hen and RV on a pullet.  There were 4 blue wheatens shown by 2 exhibitors.  Paul & Angela Smith had BV on a cock and Max Strawn RV on a pullet. A pair of buff were shown by Paul & Angela Smith with their pullet BV and cockerel RV.  Their buff came from Christine & Will Kitsch as day olds.  Thanks for our restart of buffs.  Two splash pullets were shown, with M & J Farm-Mike & Jan Geis winning BV and Paul & Angela RV.  Two wheaten were shown, with Max Strawn winning BV with a cock and Paul & Angela RV with a cockerel.  A pair of white were shown by Paul & Angela, with their cockerel BV and pullet RV.  Six exhibitors showed 26 head of blacks, making them the largest class by beating the self blue by one.  The BV, BB, Champion Ameraucana, Best AOSB, Champion Large Fowl and Res. of Show was a black cockerel shown by M & J Farm-Mike & Jan Geis.  The RV, RB and Reserve AOSB was a black hen shown by Clifton Redden.

  Max Strawn showed 11 head of bantams. We missed Peggy Taylor, Dorothy Haire, Mary Laska and Ernie Haire especially in the bantam classes.  I see these classes growing in the near future, just as the large fowl classes have the past decade.  Terry Britt judged the Ameraucana bantams.  Max showed 2 blue pullets into BV and RV, two blue wheaten pullets into BV and RV, a pair of wheaten with his pullet BV and cockerel RV, and 5 black with his pullet winning BV, BB and his cockerel RV and RB.  A special thanks to Max for showing his bantams.

  No Junior bantams were shown, but this will change in the near future as several ABC members are now breeding bantams in the SC district.  This should make them more available!

  The Junior large fowl show has grown.  We had 27 head shown by 12 juniors.  There were two whites with Tala Joyner winning BV on a cock and Lauren Craine RV on a pullet.  Seventeen blacks were shown by 10 exhibitors.  The BV and RB was won by Kash Glass on a pullet.  The RV was a cockerel shown by Dillon Brown.  There were 6 blues shown by 3 exhibitors.  Clarabelle Galbraith won BV, BB and Best AOSB with her cockerel and RV with her pullet.  Two EELS were shown to push the total to 27 head and the grand total of 102 large fowl and 11 bantams.  Jacob Bates judged the Junior large fowl show.

  A business meeting was held.  The decision was made to hold our next SC district meet at Fayetteville, Arkansas on November 4 & 5, 2017.  Discussions were held about ABC meets and points.  A special thanks to all who showed and made this a successful SC district meet.
Paul Smith

Susan Mouw

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Re: South Central district meet Shawnee, Oklahoma 12-10 & 11, 2016
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2016, 04:36:03 PM »
Congratulations to all the winners and especially to all those who brought out their self-blues to meet the requirements for our first pre-qualifying meet!

I came very close to coming to Shawnee this year, but chose Dixie Classic instead.  I would have loved to meet everyone and see all those gorgeous Ameraucanas entered!  Maybe next year.

Thank you, Paul, for getting the pre-qual self-blue meet coordinated and successfully executed. Great job!
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm


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Re: South Central district meet Shawnee, Oklahoma 12-10 & 11, 2016
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2016, 04:38:48 PM »
Sorry to hear the male self blues have issues.  I have seen self blue in bantams of other breeds that the cocks and cockerels were excellent coloring.   Perhaps it has to do with how they are bred possibly.
Harry Shaffer

Ernie Haire

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Re: South Central district meet Shawnee, Oklahoma 12-10 & 11, 2016
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2016, 09:32:59 AM »
Congratulations to everyone who exhibited Ameraucanas at Shawnee. Thanks Paul for your report. It is plain to see that the breed was well represented in both Large Fowl and Bantams. We enjoy visiting with exhibitors at every show we have attended this year. It seems that there are quite a few exhibitors from the other breeds who are showing an interest in Ameraucanas, both Large and Bantam. 

We hate that we were not able to attend the show this year. We hope to be able to be back next year. Shawnee is one of our favorite shows. Regardless to what the weather is doing outside, this venue is one of the best in this area. It is also nice because it is more centrally located for our District. We always enjoy visiting with friends that we only get to see a couple of times a year. We always get to meet new people and form new friendships at this show.

As ABC members, we would like to THANK everyone who exhibited Self Blues and helped with the process of gaining their acceptance with the APA. As a club, we need exhibitors to focus on breeding and exhibiting Self Blues to gain their acceptance. If we continue to focus on them, we can get them accepted by the APA in a couple of years.

We continue to pray for safe travels for all of our poultry show friends. We also pray that everyone and their breeding programs stay warm and safe as we go through the cold weather that we will experience from now until spring. Remember that no matter how cold and/or dark things may seem to be, spring is on its way.

Merry CHRISTmas,
Ernie Haire and Everybody at Poultry 2XL
Arp, Texas

Peggy Taylor

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Re: South Central district meet Shawnee, Oklahoma 12-10 & 11, 2016
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2016, 10:26:24 PM »
Thank you Paul for the report and a big CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners.  I would also like to say  thank you to all the exhibitors that were able to make it to Shawnee this year.  I just hated to miss it....the show is a big favorite of mine...but it couldn't be helped this year.

It so great to see the successful pre-qualifying meet for the Self Blues.  I have no doubt that acceptance with the APA is in the not too distant future. Hopefully the Bantams will follow suit. It will take some work but I am sure that the members of the ABC are up to it.

Thanks Max,  for showing the Bantams.  Get ready for the Bantam numbers to go up at the Blue Bonnet Classic.  I was looking a what I may enter for Bryan in Bantams. Right now looks something like about 40/45 birds plus whatever large fowl I decide to take....

Everybody try to keep yourselves and the birds warm. Stay safe.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone and may each of you have a very Blessed New Year.

Peggy Taylor
Rocky Springs Farm