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It appears that Alabama has closed show and swaps for the spring due to new infections found near their TN border. They're calling for a transport stop on all poultry for a suspect infection of LPAI. And one of the methods they mentioned in their news conference is a door to door search looking for back yard flocks. Just sort of mentioned that they often depopulate flocks even before the testing is completed. /b]http://afludiary.blogspot.com/2017/03/alabama-to-announce-3-bird-flu-outbreaks.htmlhttp://www.al.com/business/index.ssf/2017/03/bird_flu_detected_near_state_l.html
Georgia has now shut down all swaps and shows. There have been no infections found in GA, but they do share a border with both Alabama and TN.
Any new reports that anyone has seen today?