The ABC had the show of shows at the Dixie Classic in Knoxville, TN. on Dec. 2 & 3, 2017. History was made with the success of the second pre-qualifying meet for the 4-4-4-4 self blue. It made my day to here judge Brian Knox answer my question, “Can you recommend the self blue? While signing the paper work, Brian answered “Yes, overall the self blue were very good. They need to be in the book.”
Twelve ABC members and two non-members from 11 states and Canada showed 95 large fowl and 31 bantams in the open show. Terry Britt judged the bantams. Six blacks were shown with Jeff & Cheryl Vance winning BV, and RB on a cockerel and RV on a pullet. Jeff & Cheryl showed one blue cockerel into BV. Jeff & Cheryl showed two buff pullets into BV & RV. One of these was my pick for the top two bantams. Jeff told me she was busy laying an egg while being judged, which caused her to be RV and out of the running for BB or RB, unless the BV buff had been chosen to be BB. Jeff & Cheryl showed one brown red cockerel into BV, and one white cockerel into BV. Five silvers were shown with Maggie Maier winning BV and RV on two pullets. Fifteen wheatens were shown with Robert Bridges winning BV, BB and RV on two pullets. Blue wheaten was the only missing recognized variety having all eight at this show! The Ameraucana bantams are gaining both numbers and quality in the SC and SE districts.
Unfortunately no Junior bantams were shown, due to the illness of the Junior ABC member who had some entered but was unable to attend.
Brian Knox judged the large fowl. Four ABC members showed nine blues with Susan Mouw winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel. Six blue wheaten were shown by 3 ABC members with Pat Dukes winning BV on a pullet purchased from Susan Mouw. The RV was shown by Lindsay Helton on a pullet purchased from Susan Mouw.
Three buff purchased from Jeff & Cheryl Vance were shown by Lindsay Helton. Lindsay’s cockerel won BV and pullet RV. Five whites were shown by 3 ABC members. Lindsay Helton won BV on a hen. Sherry Klaus won RV on a pullet purchased from Paul & Angela Smith. Five wheaten were shown by 3 ABC members. Paul & Angela Smith won BV on a pullet. Pat Dukes won RV on a pullet purchased as a chick from Paul & Angela. Two splash were shown. Susan Mouw won BV on a cockerel and Pat Dukes won RV on a pullet from chicks purchased from Paul & Angela. A pair of mottled were shown by Sara Knight. Sara’s pullet won BV and Res. AOV (any other variety). Sara’s cockerel won RV. Six ABC members, Barbara Dodington, Pat Dukes, Lindsay Helton, Paul & Angela Smith, Sherry Klaus and Holly McDonnell (listed by exhibitor number) exhibited 5 cocks, 8 hens, 6 cockerels and 6 pullets for a total of 25 self blues which surpassed the required 4-4-4-4 sixteen head! Lindsay Helton won BV on a hen and RV on a pullet. Lindsay’s hen won Best AOV. The splash, mottled and self blue competed for the AOV honors. Soon we will see the self blue out of the AOV status and a recognized variety, competing with the 8 recognized varieties of Ameraucanas for BB and RB. In the near future I will contact Walt Leonard to confirm the ABC’s next step, which should be a qualifying meet at a national APA show, which is set for Shawnee, OK. on November 17 and 18, 2018. This is a special show, not the Oklahoma State Poultry Federation Show which will be held Dec. 8, 2018. I’ll confirm this ASAP after I know for sure!
Eight exhibitors showed 38 blacks-one cock, two hens, 14 cockerels and 21 pullets. M & J Farm (Jan Geis) won BV, BB and Best AOSB on a cockerel. Tom Kernan won RV and RB on a pullet. Terry Britt and I were visiting after the show about how popular the Ameraucanas have become. They have grown from a few hid in the corner of the show room shown by Angela & I to several aisles. All of the open show blacks shown at this show should be able to trace their roots to us, which all go back to Wayne Meredith’s, who is credited for developing the black large fowl Ameraucanas.
Four black large fowl were shown by 3 juniors with Gwyneth Lynch winning BV, BB and Best AOSB on a hen. Addison Bryles won RV on a pullet. Gwyneth Lynch showed one white cock which won BV, and RB for a total of 5 juniors large fowl which made the total of 131 Ameraucanas shown.
It was great to see all the new fanciers involved in breeding and showing Ameraucanas! We enjoyed meeting, showing with, and getting to know each of them! Several purchased their start of Ameraucana chicks from us.
Paul Smith
PS. Photos of all the BV and RV will be posted ASAP. They have to be downloaded, cropped and downsized to fit on the forum.