Author Topic: Dixie Classic  (Read 9125 times)

Susan Mouw

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Dixie Classic
« on: December 04, 2017, 07:28:02 AM »
I don't want to steal Paul's thunder, so I'm not posting results. :)

But I did want to say what a great time I had meeting so many folks I've talked with, chatted with, and laughed with over the past couple of years:  Paul and Angela Smith - the nicest two people you'd ever want to meet and their dedication to this breed and to the ABC is off the charts!  Barbarba Dodington - so glad we finally got a chance to meet in person - makes our chats so much more personable! :)  Tom Kernan -  your name has been like a legend to me and I'm so thrilled with our little bird swap!  Can't wait to see what that new black cockerel brings to the breeding program here at Sand Castles Farm!  Jan Burke Geis - so glad to have finally met you and had the privilege of seeing your birds first-hand.  Sherry Klaus - wish we'd had more time to visit! Your birds are beautiful!  Paul and Holly McDonnell - it was so great to meet you two! Hope to see you at more shows in the future!

And, of course, it was great seeing my friends again - Billy and Lindsay Helton - I enjoy seeing you every chance I get and especially love our 3 AM chats! ;)  Maggie Maier - what a great roommate and friend - I think that needs to be an annual plan. :)  Jeff and Sherry Vance - always great to see my "brother from another mother"...too bad I didn't need that "back up" after judging!  LOL 

And, one of our newest members and first time chicken exhibitors and one of my neighbors - Pat Dukes!  Your strength and resilience during a trying time was an inspiration to all of us.  I hope we get to travel together at many more shows.

I will say the Self-Blue prequalifying meet was successful, but I'll let Paul give the details. :)

Next up - Cape Fear Poultry show, and then I'm done for this year. 
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2017, 10:01:48 AM »
We have been waiting all weekend to see how the show went. Thanks for the update on who was there, but it would be great to know how the birds placed. When we don't get to go to a show, we check the computer several times and day to see if there is an update.

We are also glad to know that the Pre-Qualifying Meet for the Self Blues went well.

Thanks Again,

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2017, 10:07:07 AM »
Hi Ernie

I'm sure Paul will be posting his usual detailed report soon.  I know he and Angela had a long drive back and are probably getting some much needed rest today.

Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2017, 10:32:01 AM »
Long drives seem to come along with this time of year. I didn't do much yesterday after a round trip to and from Houston, TX. on Thursday, to Haynesville, LA. on Friday, and from Haynesville, LA back home on Saturday night.

I am thankful that everyone seems to have had safe travels to and from the shows this weekend. We will all know how the placings went when Paul and Angela get around to it.

Be Blessed,


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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2017, 03:08:36 PM »
  The ABC had the show of shows at the Dixie Classic in Knoxville, TN. on Dec. 2 & 3, 2017.  History was made with the success of the second pre-qualifying meet for the 4-4-4-4 self blue.  It made my day to here judge Brian Knox answer my question, “Can you recommend the self blue?  While signing the paper work, Brian answered “Yes, overall the self blue were very good.  They need to be in the book.”

  Twelve ABC members and two non-members from 11 states and Canada showed 95 large fowl and 31 bantams in the open show.  Terry Britt judged the bantams.  Six blacks were shown with Jeff & Cheryl Vance winning BV, and RB on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  Jeff & Cheryl showed one blue cockerel into BV.  Jeff & Cheryl showed two buff pullets into BV & RV.  One of these was my pick for the top two bantams.  Jeff told me she was busy laying an egg while being judged, which caused her to be RV and out of the running for BB or RB, unless the BV buff had been chosen to be BB.  Jeff & Cheryl showed one brown red cockerel into BV, and one white cockerel into BV.  Five silvers were shown with Maggie Maier winning BV and RV on two pullets.  Fifteen wheatens were shown with Robert Bridges winning BV, BB and RV on two pullets.  Blue wheaten was the only missing recognized variety having all eight at this show!  The Ameraucana bantams are gaining both numbers and quality in the SC and SE districts.

  Unfortunately no Junior bantams were shown, due to the illness of the Junior ABC member who had some entered but was unable to attend.

  Brian Knox judged the large fowl.  Four ABC members showed nine blues with Susan Mouw winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Six blue wheaten were shown by 3 ABC members with Pat Dukes winning BV on a pullet purchased from Susan Mouw.  The RV was shown by Lindsay Helton on a pullet purchased from Susan Mouw.

  Three buff purchased from Jeff & Cheryl Vance were shown by Lindsay Helton.  Lindsay’s cockerel won BV and pullet RV.  Five whites were shown by 3 ABC members.  Lindsay Helton won BV on a hen.  Sherry Klaus won RV on a pullet purchased from Paul & Angela Smith.  Five wheaten were shown by 3 ABC members.  Paul & Angela Smith won BV on a pullet.  Pat Dukes won RV on a pullet purchased as a chick from Paul & Angela.  Two splash were shown.  Susan Mouw won BV on a cockerel and Pat Dukes won RV on a pullet from chicks purchased from Paul & Angela.  A pair of mottled were shown by Sara Knight.  Sara’s pullet won BV and Res. AOV (any other variety).  Sara’s cockerel won RV.  Six ABC members, Barbara Dodington, Pat Dukes, Lindsay Helton, Paul & Angela Smith, Sherry Klaus and Holly McDonnell (listed by exhibitor number) exhibited 5 cocks, 8 hens, 6 cockerels and 6 pullets for a total of 25 self blues which surpassed the required 4-4-4-4 sixteen head!  Lindsay Helton won BV on a hen and RV on a pullet.  Lindsay’s hen won Best AOV.  The splash, mottled and self blue competed for the AOV honors.  Soon we will see the self blue out of the AOV status and a recognized variety, competing with the 8 recognized varieties of Ameraucanas for BB and RB.  In the near future I will contact Walt Leonard to confirm the ABC’s next step, which should be a qualifying meet at a national APA show, which is set for Shawnee, OK. on November 17 and 18, 2018.  This is a special show, not the Oklahoma State Poultry Federation Show which will be held Dec. 8, 2018.  I’ll confirm this ASAP after I know for sure!

  Eight exhibitors showed 38 blacks-one cock, two hens, 14 cockerels and 21 pullets.  M & J Farm (Jan Geis) won BV, BB and Best AOSB on a cockerel.  Tom Kernan won RV and RB on a pullet.  Terry Britt and I were visiting after the show about how popular the Ameraucanas have become.  They have grown from a few hid in the corner of the show room shown by Angela & I to several aisles.  All of the open show blacks shown at this show should be able to trace their roots to us, which all go back to Wayne Meredith’s, who is credited for developing the black large fowl Ameraucanas.

  Four black large fowl were shown by 3 juniors with Gwyneth Lynch winning BV, BB and Best AOSB on a hen.  Addison Bryles won RV on a pullet.  Gwyneth Lynch showed one white cock which won BV, and RB for a total of 5 juniors large fowl which made the total of 131 Ameraucanas shown.

  It was great to see all the new fanciers involved in breeding and showing Ameraucanas!  We enjoyed meeting, showing with, and getting to know each of them!  Several purchased their start of Ameraucana chicks from us.

  Paul Smith

  PS.  Photos of all the BV and RV will be posted ASAP.  They have to be downloaded, cropped and downsized to fit on the forum.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 09:32:34 AM by Paul »
Paul Smith

Lindsay Helton

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2017, 03:32:10 PM »
We really enjoyed showing birds at the Dixie Classic. It was great to meet several fellow ABC members. I thought Ameraucanas were represented very well at the show. It was nice to see a large class of them. The only corrections I see from above are that the blue wheaten pullet we received RV on was from Susan Mouw, and the self blue hen and pullet were from our line that we created by crossing bloodlines. The pullet that received RV was hatched 12-17-16 and just barely made the cut off as a pullet. I raised that group of chicks in my basement for the first 2 months due to the cold weather because I’m the crazy chicken lady. I thought I learned my lesson about hatching in winter, but here I am again, with chicks scheduled to hatch tomorrow and another batch going in the incubator. Many of the hens we used in our initial crosses were from Paul Smith. Paul has excellent quality birds. We crossed his hens with a cockerel from another bloodline and had good results. We got an additional line of self blues from another breeder that was selling off their breeding stock of Ameraucanas 2 years ago and had good luck incorporating those birds in our breeding program. I have been pleased with the hens and pullets created from the crosses, but the cockerels are still a work in progress. That seems to be the consensus across the board with self blue cockerels. Lol. I think with time we can get the self blue cockerels to the same level as the pullets and hens. I narrowed my black splits and kept two split cockerels and two split hens from last seasons hatches that I think will help. This split cockerel is not in very good condition and has several shredded feathers from being in a grow out pen with other cockerels for the last few months, but he has several attributes that I hope to carry forward next year. Congratulations to all of the winners! We look forward to showing again next year!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 10:56:16 PM by Lindsay Helton »


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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2017, 04:37:12 PM »
Thank you Paul and Angela for the detailed report on the Dixie Classic. I can't wait to see the pictures!
Gordon Gilliam

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2017, 05:54:56 PM »
I was so proud to see the line up of Ameraucanas at this show!  The depth of quality was nothing less than amazing and pure eye candy. :)

Of course, it was great to see everyone there, too.  As exhausting as these shows can be, I wish there were more where we could get together - such great times!

I was so thrilled when Pat Duke's little self-blue pullet was discovered and will be returned to her - what a relief!

And the bantams!  Oh my gosh - a brown red bantam!  Again, the depth of quality was nothing short of amazing and I was really pleased to see that every variety in bantams were represented.

I can't say enough about the self-blues.  The hen of Lindsay's that took Best AOV was just beautiful - in type, in color, just overall a great representative of the breed and the variety.  Heck...when self-blues are accepted, that hen is going to give anyone a run for their money for BB.

Til next year! :)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 09:01:30 AM by Susan Mouw »
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2017, 06:15:59 PM »
I do not have Paul's skill with a camera, but here are the two birds that placed BB, CH AOSB - Jan Geis Black Cockerel and RB - Tom Kernan's Black Pullet

Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Ernie Haire

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2017, 06:44:55 PM »
Thanks, Susan for the pictures. Paul is great at taking pictures of chickens. I always enjoy looking at the pictures that anyone takes at shows. I cant get chickens to work with me when it is picture time. Once I get pictures, I don't know how to get them to load on the computer. This is why I usually don't take pictures at shows. I just wait until we are at a show with Paul and Angela.

Thanks Again,


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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2017, 09:34:11 AM »
  Normally I visit with the exhibitor and find out if they are showing purchased chicks.  I didn’t get a chance to visit with Lindsay and assumed they were from the boxes of chicks that we sent in 2016, April 10, 2017 and May 23, 2017.  The blue wheaten pullet has a slit in her left inside web which would be a # + 2 bw.  I didn’t check the self blue hen or pullet as they look just like our # +12 Sb, which we sent several.  I had Angela correct this.  It will not happen again.

  I don’t have a problem with someone showing birds from us or someone else!  We all had to get them from someone.  We did the same thing nineteen years ago when we started, also showed buff last year from Christine & Will Kitsch.  There will come a day when I won’t be able to make the long trips due to leg cramps.  Then the sold birds will be all that can be shown from us.  I see it a win for both the one who showed them and the one who produced/bred them.  While at the Dixie Classic we had the opportunity to meet Jack Cushenberry who purchased a box of chicks from us and won champion large fowl at the Kentucky State Fair on a black pullet.  Those on Facebook may want to check out Jack’s Happy Hens.  Its reports like this, that make it all worth doing.  I’ve tried to express that I don’t have a problem with anyone showing birds bred by someone-else.  What I do have a problem with is an older couple that I know, who have spent most of their life raising and breeding a breed of bantams (not Ameraucanas), won numerous awards and NEVER sold any due to the fact, that they don’t want to show against their own.

  Paul Smith
Paul Smith

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2017, 09:45:05 AM »
Up until the Dixie Classic, my blacks have only been beaten by birds that either came from here, or were bred from birds that came from here - it really is a win-win when that happens!  I love seeing Sand Castles Farm birds going out, getting shown, and doing well!
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Lindsay Helton

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2017, 04:07:54 PM »
No problem at all. A win for us is a win for you. The two blue wheaten pullets that I showed were from Susan Mouw’s stock that we picked up this past summer. We drove down to South Carolina and brought back around two dozen birds. I’m not sure how we were able to fit them all in the SUV, but we made it work. We stopped at Chick-fil-A on the way home for dinner (kind of funny that it was our preference for food now that I think about it), and when we got back in the car all I could smell was chickens. Show quality chickens....they have a slightly better smell. Lol. Several breeders use a similar toe punch system so I am sure it is confusing! Many of the self blue hens we used in our cross were from your stock that we purchased in 2015, so a win for us is a win for you, because our line wouldn’t have happened without you. Unfortunately I am unable to keep birds past 2 years of age because it is too expensive to keep the feed paid for. I raise around 200 or so grow outs each year and feeding the young pullets and cockerels on top of the breeding stock gets really expensive for me. Right now we are paying around $15.50 per bag of feed plus tax. I am looking for ways to get the cost down. I was using a different supplier and getting feed for $12 per bag, but I have noticed a considerable difference in the quality and growth of the birds since the switch in feed, so I guess the extra $3.50 per bag seems worth it. I think I would rather raise less birds on higher quality feed than the reverse. You have some of the best quality self blues that I have ever seen, and my program would absolutely not have progressed without your help. You have patiently answered dozens and dozens of questions the last few years and are a wonderful advocate for the breed. I hope you are able to travel to the shows for years and years to come. It was nice to meet one of the people that brought the joy of raising Ameraucanas into my life at the Knoxville show. Thank you Paul and Angela.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 01:02:32 PM by Lindsay Helton »

Susan Mouw

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Re: Dixie Classic
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2017, 10:34:14 AM »
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm