The Official Forum of the Ameraucana Breeders Club > News and Information

The next Secty/Treasurer of the ABC will be .....

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Susan Mouw:
Don, thank you very much for your kind words.  It has certainly been an interesting and, at times, challenging almost 4 years!  I'm hoping to get answers on the health issues soon - next test in this coming Thursday, so we'll see.  I won't actually see the neurologist until 4/23, but he should have all the information at his fingertips by that time, to make an accurate DX!

Maggie, thank you!  Yes, I've thought about that - the splitting it up.  There is potential for a separate "webmaster".

Just so everyone knows - I'm handing over the reins of Secretary/Treasurer, but that, by no means, means I'm going anywhere.  LOL  I'll still be right here and hope to continue to have an active role in the ABC for years to come. 

I have started writing out a Procedures Manual for all the techie stuff of the Secretary/Treasurer's role and will hand that off to the new person after the elections this year.  My phone number and email address will be included, as well.

  There are not enough words to express my appreciation to you Susan, for what you have done for the ABC!  It has been great working with you the past years to help advance the Ameraucana breed and the ABC.  You will be leaving some difficult shoes behind, to be filled.  I fully understand needing a rest from the job.  A special thank you for all that you have done, and do in the future for the ABC!


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