Author Topic: Large Fowl and Bantam Ameraucana Hatching Eggs  (Read 3462 times)

Ernie Haire

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Large Fowl and Bantam Ameraucana Hatching Eggs
« on: April 26, 2018, 07:16:01 PM »
After retiring, I took a part-time job that is great but lots of hours. I do not have time to hatch and ship chicks. Our brooders are filling up and our incubator stays full. We are going to start offering eggs again this year on Ebay. Due to time restrictions, we may not be able to offer eggs every week. I will try to list eggs to close out on Sunday evening so they can be boxed on Monday and shipped.

Due to computer issues, I have lost more emails than I care to think about this year. If you are interested in hatching eggs from us, the best thing to do is to keep an eye on Ebay. All of our listings state that the hatching eggs are out of show stock and from (Poultry 2XL).

As I stated earlier, I do not sit down at the computer very often. When I get home from work, I take care of my chickens and then try to sleep. Please don't email me and expect a quick response. I asked God to help me find a part-time job after retiring and he blessed me with a 50-57 hour a week job. This is the busiest time of the year for a feed store / lawn and garden center.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire
Poultry 2XL