Lisa, I am glad that you are going to stay a member of the ABC. I hope that I did not offend you at the 2018 ABC National Show. I know that I did not get to meet as many of the newer members as I hoped to. After a 14 hour drive plus losing an hour coming from the west, we checked into the motel in north Dayton. Plans were to drive the 35 minutes to the fairgrounds Friday evening, but it was late and we stayed at the motel to rest up. We got up early Saturday morning and headed for the fairgrounds. I must admit that I was still somewhat in zombie land most of Saturday. My first priority was to meet some of my old ABC members that I had not seen since the 2015 National Show in Fayetteville, AR (Don Cash, Jeff and Cheryl Vance, Clif Redden-who was not present, and others). I also wanted to meet in person Susan Mouw who I had talked with many times on the phone and conversed with emails over the years. Naturally I wanted to look at the Ameraucanas on display. I would have liked to talked to Jerry Desmidt and Paul and Angela Smith more, but I knew they were either clerking, tabulating points or taking pictures. We got up early Sunday morning and started on the long trek home. I do have a suggestion to bring to the board that at next year's National Show meeting that we take time to introduce the ABC Board of Directors, each member be introduced and tell briefly about themselves and their interest in Ameraucanas. That would help put a face with a name and help stimulate further discussion among members. I certainly wish you the best for the remainder of the year and the coming new year of hatching and growing out new youngsters. I don't have any suggestions on molt, I know that we have all faced that problem one time or another during the show season.