Author Topic: New Processing for Meet Requests  (Read 6879 times)

Susan Mouw

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New Processing for Meet Requests
« on: February 16, 2019, 06:23:38 AM »
There are a few things I would like to clarify about the new process for Meet Requests.  This is no different than when we took the printed membership form online - the new member still had to fill out all the information, just as before, but instead of folding it up, sticking it in an envelope, and mailing it out - they just hit "Send" and it was done.  The big difference was all the manual-intensive labor behind the scenes to get that New Member added to the rolls, the forum, and keep track of their points, etc.  Instead of days, or weeks, it was instant.  We even have Word merge to pull the new member's information directly from the database and print all the new member letters - automatically, along with their mailing label.  All that remains is to place the letter and the Handbook in the envelope, make sure the right label goes on the right envelope, stick a stamp on it and mail it.  I haven't figured out a way to automate that part....yet.

This is no different.  Instead of hand-writing, or typing in the form, then scanning it and emailing, you just fill it out online and click "Send".  Once again, the difference is in how it is handled on the back end.  It still goes to the appropriate District Director for that show, that District Director still has to approve the meet request, we still have to contact the Show Secretary, and if all that goes well, the meet still has to be listed on the website.  None of that changes, except that it all happens within a matter of seconds.  The only delay will be in waiting for the human interaction - the DD's approval, and the Show Secretary's acceptance.  Once those two things are done, the listing on the website will also be automatic.

The work of a Meet Coordinator has been in those behind the scenes steps - coordinating with the DD, and the Show Secretary, listing the meet on the forum, and then following up after the meet for the meet report.  Since that whole process will be automated, there is no need for a Meet Coordinator.

Temple volunteered, back in 2016, to help with meet coordination. It was right after she stepped up that our website and forum crashed.  And it was only a few months later I had the first brain surgery.  If it had not been for Temple's assistance during that time, I hate to think what would have happened.  But she did, and it was very much appreciated.

My goal, from the very beginning, has to been to automate as much of the back room processing as possible to make the Secretary's job as simple as possible.  The automation of the new member application was only one step in that process, automating the meet reports is also on the horizon, following the completion of the meet request process.  One of the reasons I needed to get back involved in the meet request process immediately, before the first phase roll out of this project, was because I have not been involved in it since Temple took it over 3 years ago.  I needed to make sure this project covered all the bases and the only way I can assure this Board, and this Club, of that is to make sure I was familiar with the whole process again.  Remember - I've had brain surgery since Temple took it over, and this old gal's memory ain't what it used to be.

In less than 2 years I will be gone from this position (please hold your applause), and one of my goals over this remaining time in my term is to make sure the next Secretary has as much documentation, and assistance as needed for an easy, smooth transition.  To that end, one of the other things I am doing is writing a detailed process documentation manual that will describe how everything works, what the next steps are and how to perform the processes involved. I did not have that when I came on board, so I can fully appreciate just how important that will be to my successor.

Now, for what happened last night.  First, I have to take meds promptly at 8PM every night - I can fudge it by a few minutes, but not much longer.  And I'm usually in bed by 8:30.  I read on my Kindle, in bed, for a while before the pills take over and I drift off.  Last night, I was reading, in bed, when I saw an email come across about the first post on the forum.  After reading it, I called Jean.  Jean took necessary steps and I am thankful she did.

Folks, we just can't have that kind of bashing here - it's not good for the Club, it's not good for the breed, it's not good for the sport..and it dang sure ain't good for my heart.  I'm sorry Temple is taking this so personally, but there is still no reason to start bashing DDs, me, and whoever else gets caught in the middle on the forum.  This project has been on the back burner for a while, and certain recent events forced it to the forefront - there is not, was not, and has never been, any "collusion" or underhandedness about it all...ever.  Temple's assistance has been much appreciated, but it is just no longer needed.  It really is just that plain and simple.

And, let me address one other statement that was made.  Neither I, nor any of the other Admins on this forum - and all the Board members are Admins - have access to your private pms - in any way, shape, or form.  Back in early 2016, or 2015, I posted a warning about responding to email notifications of "You've got a new message on the forum" through your email.  Don't just click Reply in your email, because a copy of it goes to the sender of the email - which is  So, when you click on "Reply" in your email account, guess who gets a copy?  This has only happened twice in the 4 years I have served in this role and the first was so long ago, I had completely forgotten about it.  Then it happened again just recently in a private communication between two forum members.  I forwarded the reply I received at on to the intended recipient, but they took that as some sign that I have access to and am spying on everyone's private messages.  I have neither the time, the energy, nor the inclination to do so.  And, as a retiree of the banking industry (I retired from the Systems Project group at Wachovia Bank Corp HQ), I value private communications as something sacrosanct.

I hope we can get past all this needless hullabaloo and get back to focusing on what we're here for - the birds, the Ameraucanas, the sport we all love so much.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Sherry Klaus

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2019, 11:50:43 AM »
No one was bashing last night !
we asked about this effecting meets , and how these were not going to intervene with specific shows that you decline around main shows . Being dependent on a automated system sounds iffy and I’ll just go about it the old way  .

I would rather go through a DD  and new member never had to fill out a paper in mail , I didn’t have to .
I don’t know why paid member are being blocked off a main site for the breed club because they don’t agree beings they are PAID ! Members . That goes against constitution.

Susan Mouw

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2019, 12:01:03 PM »
Sherry, I'm going to let someone else respond to your remarks about the comments last night.

But, as to your new member application, you didn't have to fill out a paper and mail it in because I had automated that process before you joined.  I did that back in 2015, so no one would ever have to fill out a paper application and send it in again, if they didn't want to.  But, like the new meets process, everyone will still have the choice - paper or online.  It still goes to the District Director for their approval, still goes to the show secretary for their acceptance.
Susan Mouw
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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2019, 12:08:13 PM »

I found most of the posts last night to be inflammatory and accusatory so I deleted them.  All the Directors have access to view the posts that were made.

Our Constitution does not include anything pertaining to this forum. So the admins, which includes all Board Members, can moderate the group at our discretion.  I believe your questions were answered privately and are publicly posted below too.

I hope your questions have been answered regarding the proposed new process.

Regarding the people "blocked".  I temporarily prevented a couple members from posting so that I could get a full nights sleep without having to worry about the constant checking of the forum.  This issue will be discussed in private by the Board.

Thank you,

Michelle Muldowney-Stevens

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2019, 12:10:32 PM »
With this new automated system, who is going to be checking in with it to make sure meets are being approved? Members are well aware that Susan already has too much on her plate, especially with her medical conditions. To me, it sounds like the one check and balance in place, Temple, has been removed and meets might just sit there. Temple was good about following up with DD's if meets weren't approved but even then, with her reminders, at least one meet slipped through the cracks.

Susan Mouw

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2019, 12:23:35 PM »
With this new automated system, who is going to be checking in with it to make sure meets are being approved? Members are well aware that Susan already has too much on her plate, especially with her medical conditions. To me, it sounds like the one check and balance in place, Temple, has been removed and meets might just sit there. Temple was good about following up with DD's if meets weren't approved but even then, with her reminders, at least one meet slipped through the cracks.

We gain several things with any automated process: less errors because things don't have to typed, re-typed, and then re-typed again for several different purposes (notification to the DD, notification to the Show Secretary, posting on the forum or website) - if it's entered right the first time, it's entered right all the time.  Time savings: with an automated workflow process, things follow through in seconds.  Once the meet request has been entered and the requester presses "Send", it is automatically forwarded to the correct District Director for their review and approval.  The DD, at that time, may just click "Approve" and let it move forward, or they may have some questions and contact the requester personally - that is their option.  Once they click "Approve", then the next step is automatic - it is then forwarded to the Show Secretary for acceptance of the meet request at their show.  Once again, they may choose to contact that DD personally for clarification or more information or they may just click "Accept" and move forward.
Once the DD has clicked "Approve" and the Show Secretary has clicked "Accept", then the next step is automatically list it on our website - that will not be done if both of those check boxes aren't marked "yes" in the file.
Just as with the automated new member application, I get an email each time a request is submitted to the database, and I will then upload that request to the database (that part already exists, but is manually entered now). If it has not moved forward within, oh probably a week - those parameters have not yet been set - then I will research it.
It is a more efficient process, with significant time savings - at each of those steps currently, the information has to be re-typed, formatted specifically for each purpose, and re-sent, then manually followed up on.

We've had the automated new member processing in place for nearly 4 years now, without a hitch.  The only delay is that I will usually wait until there are 4-5 members to process them all together and mail them out together.  The one extreme exception to that was earlier this year, when there were a couple of months worth of overdue New Member packets due to a miscommunication (emails going into spam folders), then a faulty printer, then work and family demands, so there were about 30 New Member packets going out at one time.  That was the only time that has happened since the process began, and it wasn't the fault of the system.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Michelle Muldowney-Stevens

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2019, 04:56:10 PM »
Where do meet reports get sent to now that Temple's not tracking them? Though I asked about them last year before we hosted our first meet, things were very unclear to me regarding junior shows,. I now have them ready and would like to turn them in.

Susan Mouw

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2019, 05:02:35 PM »
Still send them to the same email:

As of today, all received meet reports have been posted on the website and are current:
« Last Edit: February 27, 2019, 05:22:16 PM by Susan Mouw »
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Michelle Muldowney-Stevens

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2019, 03:52:58 PM »
Can someone please direct me to the automatic meet request form? I've searched and I'm not seeing it.

Susan Mouw

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2019, 04:16:27 PM »
It will be announced when it is ready for general use.  It is still in development now.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm

Michelle Muldowney-Stevens

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2019, 07:28:02 PM »
So send meet requests to DDs and the western DD is Jean?

Susan Mouw

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Re: New Processing for Meet Requests
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2019, 07:37:26 PM »
For now, yes.  The process has not changed.
Susan Mouw
Sand Castles Farm