The Official Forum of the Ameraucana Breeders Club > News and Information

Effective April 1st, the ABC Board of Directors will need a new Secty/Treasurer

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Michelle Muldowney-Stevens:
Yes, I know. You've made a point on multiple posts and private emails to remind me how you did me a favor by accepting the UT junior show reports but you've failed to share the background. The truth is I contacted you back in January of 2018, before I even held a meet, asking for clarification on how junior meets were run. Due to my experience at the ABC Nationals in 2016, where no junior meet reports were submitted despite at least 1 junior Ameraucana exhibitor present, I was under the impression that there had to be a certain number of exhibitors to have a junior meet.  As I mentioned in January of 2018, many shows out here enter juniors in both the open and junior classes, and I wasn't sure if I was allowed to submit a junior meet report when the juniors would also be on the open show reports. Your response did nothing to clarify this so I went on not submitting junior reports just as it had been done for the Nationals. It wasn't until earlier this year that I learned that the number of juniors didn't matter and that I could submit both open and junior show reports which I submitted immediately upon finding this out. All of my open show reports were submitted immediately after the shows, all well within 30 days. It was only the juniors that were submitted later (less than a year late) due to the confusion. I know Temple had been tracking down show reports that were YEARS old and those were utter neglect by the club secretaries or members who had requested them. You yourself made a post on March 23rd, 2019 looking for meet reports. Some of those were more than a year old. While I appreciate it, as do the junior members who were at the UT shows, I do not understand why it was such a huge deal for you to accept UT junior meet reports that were less than a year old considering the circumstances surrounding them.

Susan Mouw:

--- Quote from: Michelle Muldowney-Stevens on April 02, 2019, 01:11:28 AM --- but you've failed to share the background. ....Your response did nothing to clarify this so I went on not submitting junior reports just as it had been done for the Nationals.

--- End quote ---

Those two statements say it all, Michelle.  It seems nothing I can do, or nothing I have done, has been enough to satisfy you, so there is no need for me to post further.

Mindy Waters:
Did you find someone for this position yet? I was considering applying, but I am also an Alliance member and I do not wish to leave that club, as I have been mentored a lot by its members and would like to remain a member of both clubs. I know people that raise other breeds that hold positions in one breed club, while being a member of the other club for their breed. Some of those clubs were also formed out of disagreements between board members and that manage to allow this, so I am wondering why it's different in our case? As long as the person chosen has integrity and is ethical, I don't understand why there would be a conflict of interest. Aren't we all trying to better and promote the breed we love?

Mindy, they are still working on finding the perfect candidate, hopefully soon.

The limit on Board Members was discussed at length before it was finally proposed for membership vote.  There were several board members who did Not want this to be a requirement. Unfortunately when if was determined that the other club already had that requirement, the vote ended as it stands now.   

Susan Mouw:
A viable candidate, with the skills necessary, has been found and Jean Ribbeck has nominated this candidate to the Board.  We are now waiting for a Board vote.

Hopefully, we will be making an announcement soon.


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