Author Topic: Next steps on the Self Blue and Splash variety acceptance  (Read 3484 times)


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Next steps on the Self Blue and Splash variety acceptance
« on: March 26, 2019, 07:09:02 PM »
Acceptance of new varieties was discussed at the Greenville Oh National meet.
Gordon and Paul mentioned Self Blue Bantams and the Splash variety in both LF and Bantam were discussed.
 "One more thing that was left behind.  A search to see if at least 5 ABC members have bred self blue bantams for at least 5 years and maintained an APA membership, so the recognition process could begin for them.  If the requirements could not be filled, then the vote was to start the recognition process with the large fowl splash."

I will get with Temple, she was doing research on the Bantam SB breeders, when they started, showing and 

My guess is that we will be shy on the SB bantam breeders who have been APA members for five years. At least we can document the start date on APA memberships so we will know how long we will need to wait to start the process for the Application.... and then the Qualifying meets.  It might be advantageous to get the bantams accepted by the ABA at least. They do not currently have the 5yr membership requirement. 

The Splash in both LF and bantam have not been tracked as of yet as far as I know. 

If we can have some good turnouts of larger numbers for All the targeted color classes that meet the APA/ABA number requirements then we can skip the Pre-qualifying meets which Paul had to do for the SB LF. So please get those colors out to the show halls. And it would help if we can coordinate a large showing at the National or one of the other meets.  Paul Smith is coordinating the Final SB Qualifying meet at Columbus this fall. It would be great to have a full showing of the SB bantams there at that show too.

It would be great to have a "champion" for each color to research, prepare the documents and to coordinate/encourage people to show each color.  I know Sarah Meaders has been working on the Splash Wheaten for some time. They were in the waiting game for 5yr breeders/APA members. Maybe someone could provide an update on that variety as well.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2019, 07:21:18 PM by Don »
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9


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Re: Next steps on the Self Blue and Splash variety acceptance
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2019, 07:24:42 PM »
Temple forwarded the information she researched some time back for the SB bantam breeders.  I will be happy to forward that info if someone has the time and wants to contact those breeders and bring the list current and evaluate the process.     
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9

Lindsay Helton

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Re: Next steps on the Self Blue and Splash variety acceptance
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2019, 07:49:30 PM »
Temple forwarded the information she researched some time back for the SB bantam breeders.  I will be happy to forward that info if someone has the time and wants to contact those breeders and bring the list current and evaluate the process.     

Hi Don,

I would be happy to explore and evaluate the self blue bantam approval process and contact the breeders. I am rather fond of the self blue color. My email is if you need help.


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Re: Next steps on the Self Blue and Splash variety acceptance
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2019, 12:45:13 AM »
Thanks Lindsay for volunteering to explore where we stand on breeders and their status as far as breeding and APA membership requirements for Bantam SB. This would be very helpful to see where we are at for a starting point.
Gordon Gilliam