Author Topic: Stopping by to Say Hello....  (Read 2303 times)


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Stopping by to Say Hello....
« on: September 12, 2006, 10:37:57 PM »
Good evening all,

It\'s been a while since I\'ve been here, having given up my flock two months ago due neighbor complaints and health department inspections.

I stayed off for a while, because I miss the birds, and being on the boards was only a painful reminder about what I once had. Anyway....

My old flock is doing fine down in Columbus, NJ...I visit them when I go down to that area to fly. All my babies are adults now. Of the 27 birds only one appears to have passed on for reasons I do not yet know: Blondie (an Ameraucana Wheaten). I\'m assuming something happened to her, because I did not see her on the last several trips.

Believe it or not, the birds appear to remember me (or perhaps that\'s my own psyschological wishful thinking); but they\'re well-fed and have plenty of water. The old accommodations were too small, so the farmer moved them into a large cow stall, where they get light. He has enough roosts there for at least half the flock to roost on during the day.

My wife and I sold our old Mexico City apartment and upgraded to a better one a few miles way. On the block down behind the apartment, someone has a chicken coop on the roof, with at least one rooster. We occasionally heard his muffled crows.

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone...
