Just thought I'd post an update, for anyone interested.
The surgery went well, although lasting 6 hours, and I was in ICU for 3 days, instead of one. It seems my body wasn't producing enough oxygen and I had to be on a respirator. But once the oxygen levels came back up and I was moved into a private room, things progressed quickly.
The surgery was extensive, but we knew that going in. They cut out about small saucer size (and shaped) hole into the side of my skull, just inside the hairline and above the ear on the right side. They lifted the brain up, put five layers of "patchwork" over the 4.5mm x 6.5mm gap in my brain pan, trimmed off the already-dead herniated brain tissue, set everything back in place and sewed me up.
One of my hopes is that these "episodes" I've been having since Jan/18 would also be resolved with this surgery and that hope held fast until about 4 weeks after the surgery, when I had one. I've had a couple since then; the most recent this past Sunday where I lost about an hour. The neurosurgeon now believes, combined with the low oxygen production following surgery, that I have some blockage somewhere in one of the major arteries and has requested a full cardio-vascular workup. The scans for carotid and trans-cranial have been done and come back clear, so we'll see how this all progresses. The various Drs have gone back and forth over the last year and half deciding what exactly these episodes are, with some calling them focal seizures and others deciding they must be TIAs (transient ischema attacks). The neurosurgeon that participated in my surgery (there were 2 surgeons - neuro and oto (ear)), has eliminated the possibility of these being focal seizures and has determined they are TIAs, or mini-strokes.
My plan is to attend some shows this fall, especially the Ohio National. We've worked so hard to come this far with the self-blue acceptance, it would give me great pleasure to see the grand finale. I won't be bringing many birds - just a few, as that's about all I can manage these days - but I hope to see many of you there.