Author Topic: Incubators  (Read 7930 times)


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« on: April 19, 2019, 08:24:25 PM »
I've got a basic Hovabator that I'm looking to upgrade.  Not all the way to the big 300+ at a time jobs.  But something a little better.  Anyone have a recommendation?
Kris Dossey


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Re: Incubators
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2019, 08:50:04 PM »
Kris, there are many incubators available from $100 to $500 and probably more.  Depends on your budget and the number of eggs you plan to hatch in a given hatch. 

I've seen a several people using the new Nurture right from Tractor Supply, 25 eggs/$140
The GQF Genesis unit is over a hundred now and it can hold up to 42 eggs with a standard turner.
It appears that the Brinsea folks Really like their 30 and 50 egg units, but those are Not cheap.
You don't see the old Roll-X advertised much any more. They used to be considered the cadillac I think their price is around $500 for around 80 eggs?

Many use two incubators, one for the 19 day incubation and another for the last three days thru hatch. That allows them to keep one incubator fairly clean without all the dust and dander.
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9


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Re: Incubators
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2019, 11:58:31 AM »
I also see a variety of KQ plastic incubator which include the turners advertised for sale in the marketplace.  Some of these are offered around $80 and some with free shipping. They usually have egg cups for 48-56 eggs.  I'd be great to hear some reviews of these units from a few that have experience. I'm not sure how well the temperature is mixed and controled from top to bottom of the double height models? 

Also, the company that offers the Incuview has several Control/heater/fan and even turner units that can be purchased fairly cheaply for making your own home incubators. They offer basically the same package unit used in the Incuview for around $50 and the associated turner motor for about 10 bucks more.   
Don Cash
Matthew 4:9


  • Ameraucana Guru
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Re: Incubators
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2019, 08:08:02 PM »
I wound up getting another styrofoam incubator but with digital readout and controls.  But my last hatch in my old very basic unit was outstanding.  I haven't used the new one yet, but am thinking it's my tactics more than my incubator.  Thanks for your information.
Kris Dossey