Author Topic: 2019 ABC National Meet Review Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN  (Read 8167 times)

Lindsay Helton

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2019 ABC National Meet Review Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:36:14 PM »
The 2019 ABC National Meet was a big success. Thank you to the folks that took the trip to the Dixie Classic in Knoxville, TN to attend the meet. It was exciting to host the National Meet in the South East District. Honorary Vice-President Jerry DeSmidt had his birds tested and drove a considerable distance to be there. Thank you for bringing so many birds Jerry and for being such a good advocate for the breed and club. Jerry donated a pair of bantams for the silent auction which were excitedly won by a junior member. Spencer Crouse and his family were able to attend the meet. It was a pleasure to meet their young son and to have fellowship with them throughout the weekend.

I am known for being a night owl and surprised myself by being the first person to arrive at the show hall on Saturday morning. I waited patiently until they unlocked the show hall doors and then began setting up the ABC table. Don Cash arrived with extra coffee which provided a much-needed caffeine boost and the ABC members quickly immersed themselves in setting out ABC material, trophies and items for the ABC table and silent auction. James Treadway’s table was set up right beside the ABC table. James was kind enough to make the show boxes that were used in the silent auction. Don and Gordon Gilliam bought three show boxes for the silent auction. Don also came equipped with several nice trophies and awards for the exhibitors. Don was a really good salesman and talked several folks into buying raffle tickets to support the ABC. Jeff and Sherry Vance were at the National meet from start to finish and they were both extremely helpful. Sherry helped to sell numerous raffle tickets and Jeff helped to set up and organize the eggs for the egg contest among other things.

We added two new junior members at the National Meet! Welcome to the Ameraucana Breeders Club Abigail Lewis and Claire O'Neill! I judged my first egg contest while at the show. It drew a lot of attention to the ABC table. I am a bit of a perfectionist and commented a few times that I took my judging job a little “too seriously.” There were four categories in the egg contest, and the first place winners for each category were as follows: large fowl hen= Jeff Vance, large fowl pullet= Jerry DeSmidt, bantam pullet= Jerry DeSmidt, and bantam hen: Don Cash. Don was pulled to the side following the egg contest and was commended for his excellent set of silver eggs. A wide array of folks made their way to the ABC table throughout the morning and afternoon at the National Meet. The raffle drew a lot of people to the auction table. Folks had “three ways to win” and could buy one ticket for $5 or 3 tickets for $10. There was a $100 Tractor Supply gift-card, a new American Poultry Association standard of perfection book, and an older model American Poultry Association standard of perfection book used in the raffle. The older model standard of perfection book was rumored to be worth more than the new model!

Dan Castle, who judged the Ameraucanas, was very pleased with the excellent type in the large fowl and bantam Ameraucanas. He also remarked that the birds shown were in extremely good condition. He was particularly complimentary of the white bantams. He said that he would like to see more beard/muff expression overall in the bantam Ameraucanas. Jerry DeSmidt won Champion Ameraucana with a bantam white hen and Reserve Champion Ameraucana with a large fowl black pullet. Congratulations to all of the winners at the show and a special thank you to each and every individual that made this National Meet a success.

Pictures to follow.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2019, 03:13:11 PM by Lindsay Helton »

Lindsay Helton

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Re: 2019 ABC National Meet Review Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2019, 01:05:51 AM »
Pictures from the Ameraucana Breeders Club National Meet at the Dixie Classic:
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 02:12:47 AM by Lindsay Helton »

Lindsay Helton

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Re: 2019 ABC National Meet Review Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2019, 01:11:32 AM »
Pictures Continued:
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 11:22:16 AM by Lindsay Helton »

Lindsay Helton

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Re: 2019 ABC National Meet Review Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2019, 01:22:35 AM »
Pictures Continued:


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Re: 2019 ABC National Meet Review Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2019, 06:16:57 AM »
Thanks Lindsay for the photos! As they always say, "A picture is always worth a thousand words!" Sharing your pictures was a treasure for those of us who could not attend!
Gordon Gilliam

Lindsay Helton

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Re: 2019 ABC National Meet Review Dixie Classic Knoxville, TN
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2019, 11:27:56 AM »
Thanks Lindsay for the photos! As they always say, "A picture is always worth a thousand words!" Sharing your pictures was a treasure for those of us who could not attend!

You're welcome Gordon! I always enjoy looking through the photos you post from the meets you attend!