Silver Leghorn male:
Hackle- Silvery white with a narrow dull black stripe extending down middle of each lower hackle feather, tapering to a point near its lower extremity.
Saddle- Silvery white.
Silver Ameraucana male (and also Silver Dutch male):
Hackle- Silvery white, a dull black stripe, free from shafting, extending down middle of each lower hackle feather, tapering to a point just short of lower extremity, the black stripe increasing in intensity and brilliance to a lustrous greenish black at the lower extremity.
Saddle- Same as hackle, but with less striping than hackle.
The current plumage description for the hackle and saddle is clearly reflected in the portraits of the Silver Ameraucana male and the Silver Dutch male in the APA SOP book.
In the ABA SOP book, the plumage description for the hackle and saddle also makes mention of the black stripe increasing in intensity and brilliance to a lustrous greenish black, therefore our ABA and APA plumage descriptions would no longer match regarding the hackle and saddle.