We have a nice selection of this years large fowl Black Ameraucanas available. In addition we have a Splash and a couple Blue cockerels available. Many of the pullets have started laying.
Photos of Blacks and Blues may be seen on the Ameraucana page of our website.
For anyone unfamiliar and interested in the (Andulusian)Blue genetics, they work like this:
Blue x Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, and 25% Splash
Black x Blue= 50% Blue, and 50% Black
Splash x Black= 100% Blue
Splash x Blue= 50% Splash, and 50% Blue
Splash x Splash= 100% Splash
Black x Black= 100% Black
* Splash Ameraucanas are not an APA/ABA recognized variety, and as such are not eligible to compete with recognized varieties.
-always a discount for youth exhibitors
Lisa and Gary Cree
Seabeck Washington