Author Topic: Buff Ameraucana  (Read 12456 times)


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Buff Ameraucana
« on: November 09, 2006, 03:45:11 PM »
Thanks Danny in GA for the excellent Bantam Buff Ameraucana cockerel and 3 hens..Looks like we will finally have some eggs to hatch this spring coming..



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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2006, 07:49:02 PM »
Another thanks to Danny of Ga...I have bought five of his bantams from him earlier and really pleased with his birds. I would not hesitate buying more from him. Correct me if I am wrong but Danny isnt a member of this club, neither am I but love these folks in here and their birds are wonderful example of the breed!

Hats off to those wonderful breeders!


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2006, 07:55:29 PM »

Your post name sounds familiar...were you on BYC??? EweSheep here if you know..

Maple syrup......OMG!!!! Thats the real thing!


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2006, 06:08:04 PM »
Hi RobinP, yes i do still go on back yard chickens(wilds of pa)  

 My wife is a Mod on there(hinkjc)

Yes we got some great looking buff bantams from Danny.
Is that what you also got.

Not sure if he is a member on here or not. I think he might be..



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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 01:37:09 PM »
I got some black reds, a blue and buff penciled bantams from him. They are all goreous birds! Cant wait to get more variations of colors. I just recently purchased \"Melonsmore\" Eggbid of a trio of white Amercuana bantams supposely of Mike Gilbert lines and I tell you they are so lovely!


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2006, 04:18:25 PM »
Hi when are you & Hinc  going to post pics???  B)


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 09:01:41 AM »
They will be coming soon. Boy our they just nice looking birds. Great size(bantam), proper leg color, only thing the roo has a few black tail feathers like maybe 3. Hen\'s are near perfect in buff color.

 We have them in quarantine yet. But all seems very good to go soon.. We have a nice 8x8 coop for the 4 birds in our 24x8 coop(3 section).

Quess I\'ll have to email him and find out who\'s line they are from,
 because who\'s ever they are, there doing somthing right..

Way things look we should have some eggs soon to hatch and increase our breeding stock. Should be able to hook some folks up with chicks or eggs this spring coming too..



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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2006, 08:23:17 PM »
Got a response back from Danny from GA. He said he got them from Johnny Parks whom he got it from a member of this club.

Anyone familiar with this fellow, Mr Parks????


Johnny Parks

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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2006, 09:37:25 PM »
I am Johnny, Danny\'s cousin.  The stock of the buff ameraucana bantams originally came from John Blemh, Michigan.  I no longer have many ameraucana birds.  I had to sale most of my stock because I am going to college, age forty-three, attempting  a career change.  I don\'t have much time for the birds anymore.  I hope to re-stock later from fellow ABC members.  Danny has some of my original birds.

I hope this is the information you are interested in knowing about these birds.  Of course, the birds that Danny has are pure Ameraucanas.  The thing is, he has several color varieties running together.  I don\'t know how true to color your buffs would be if these birds are some he raised.  It may be possible they are mixed with other ameraucana color varieties.  If they are the older birds that I had originally, then they are \"true\" buffs.  


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2006, 06:54:08 AM »
Thanks for the info

Im glad i know where they came from. I dont beleave these are mixed with any other color as they look true to the buff color. We shall see when we hatch some eggs.
These are just some awsome looking birds  :p


Johnny Parks

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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2006, 10:17:22 AM »
Great looking birds!  Sometimes there will be a bird or two, which will have an occasional feather or two of stray coloring, usually black.  The thing to do is to select these birds out from your breeding flock.  Select true buff\'s for your breeding program.  Anyway, good luck with them.  They look \"true\".  Nice talking with you.   Hope the information helped.  Johnny


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2006, 08:26:22 PM »
Well, Johnny, great meeting ya! And thank you for responding back!

Well, regardless of what the birds colors I got in my flock, I am very pleased with the girls and thanks to you to contribute to this breed as well as Danny.

They are more true to type than the ordinary breed that I get from the hatchery such as Marti\'s and Ideal and McMurray....they look NOTHING like these girls! They seem to have more refinements, more deeper in color and as Mike informed me about the color of legs. Only one has a dark willow legs which a friend informed me that her judges told her any slate, black legs are disqualified or a fault which it is not. Unfortunately she got rid of those birds after the judges told her to keep looking for willow legs, nothing else. I am glad I got from Danny and did not sell any of the girls that I got from him even the one that had willow legs. She is a lovely girl and enjoy her as Mike said.

Again, look at and see your birds on the forum again under the Buff Amercuanas. Feel free to make your \"stamp\" under that line and anyone else is welcome too! I am hoping Danny will be here if he can figure out how to get on the forum.

I will be looking forward in seeing and buying more birds from Danny. I know he mix and pair his birds but neverthanless, I am not breeding for certain colors but wanted to keep the type and size and disposition of these wonderful girls.

I would love to email you pics of my girls....along with those three white Amercuanas I bought from someone else.

Keep in touch!



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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2006, 08:42:41 PM »
I got an email from Danny and he does read this forum.   He said that the buffs were other colors mixed with them.

Dang, Danny, give me some of them LOL!!!!! The color looks more like Buff Orp color than the wishy washy color of buffs.

Good job, Danny!

Johnny, all the flock you got from..were they from Mike Blehm or did you get different colors from different breeders???

The willow legged buff pencilled pullet was a cross of the Buff and Blue Wheaton. I think Mike Gilbert has the photo I sent to him and if he can post it on here since my computer is wracky about sending pics on this forum. She is just a lovely bird!!!!


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2006, 06:18:21 AM »
Wow, what nice buffs.
Harry Shaffer


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Buff Ameraucana
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2006, 07:03:54 AM »
Thank you to all,
When i purchased the birds, We spoke with Danny on the phone for a while and he told us they where of pure stock, so with that said we new where we were headed with these birds..

 Yes the black can be cleaned up. We\'ve been breeding buff orps for a long while and as with them, they to can have color troubles. but in the past 3 years we\'ve managed to rid ourself of off colors in our orps.

I want to thank those who have made this breed
(buff ameraucana) what it is today, you know who you are.., they sure hit the nail on the head when they used buff orp blood, because we beleave the buff orps are one of the best chickens to own/breed.

We will strive in working with the Bantam buff ameraucana. We cant wait to get started with them.. :p

We are also working on Buff Silkies and Are going to be working on a Buff bantam Araucana to..
The Araucana will be a few years of pain, but it will be fun. And as for time, we have plenty of it..


Harry, Thanks for stopping by yesterday. It was a pleasure to have you here again..