I sold a group of 5 hens and 1 cock to a guy a few moths back. All black LF. I had them already in that group along with a couple more hens. They are all last spring birds, so a little over a year old. I hatched from this group for a couple months and everything was good. I sold him the cock from the group and about half the hens that he chose. Since then he's had problems with egg fertility.
At first I suggested it might be the movement to the new place, change in diet etc.
Then a few weeks later it's even less. I suggested maybe egg storage but didn't really know what else to consider. He's hatching well from other breeds at this time so I figure probably storage isn't a big issue.
It's not all hot here yet like it usually is, but I've stopped hatching so can't really comment on my fertility at present. I offered to swap him the male but he wants to try some more.
What might you consider telling someone having the same problem?