The Official Forum of the Ameraucana Breeders Club > Upcoming Meets

Nebraska State Poultry Assn Show, 11/20/2021 - 11/21/2021, Lincoln, Nebraska

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Lindsay Helton:
Show Name:  Nebraska State Poultry Assn Show
Meet Type: District
Single Show
Show Start - End Dates:  11/20/2021 - 11/21/2021
Host Club:  Nebraska State Poultry Assn
Show Facility:  Lancaster Event Center (Pavilion 1)
Show Address:  4100 North 84th
Show City, St, Zip:  Lincoln, Nebraska 68507
Show Secretary:  Vicki Gilliam
Show Secretary's Email:

Did I notice the show secretary having the same last name as Gordon?

Unfortunately she has to claim me as her uncle. She is my brothers daughter, therefore my niece. What is that old saying? "You can pick your friends, but not your relatives!"

Cool, I didn't know you had family that was into it too.  I'm sure you've been a great mentor!

Actually it was my brother (Vicki's dad) that got me started in poultry. Along the way he gave me a Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel. That got me a start into the world of Ameraucanas. Vicki has carried on with poultry, but none of my 3 kids ever got the bug! My oldest daughter will go to shows with me to help drive, but that's about all. Brother passed away 2 years ago so I have lost my major mentor. He was like the ABC Forum search feature. He had been in poultry for over 60 years.


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