Author Topic: McKee\'s Fowl Farm Changes  (Read 2558 times)


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McKee\'s Fowl Farm Changes
« on: December 02, 2006, 11:59:34 AM »
Hi Folks, we thought it would be good to let you all know what has been happening here at McKee\'s Fowl Farm.
As most of you know, Sean started in raising Ameraucans as a youngster of 5..and as with any kid, their intrest and hobies grow and evolve. (He is now 14)
He has managed to create quite a managerie of birds, and in good weather that is great..however we are STILL plagued by a lack of perminant housng for winter months.
He recent intrest in hunting has also helped developed his new direction he is planning.
We have temporarily discontinued our Silver Ameraucanas, the flock was dispersed between Larry Clionski and Richard Wigfield, both of PA. We truly hope they will be able to continue to make preogress with the flock, and one day the will become a line of champions in their own right. (we may at a later date add some back into our farm) {we do plan on remaing Ameraucana Breeders Club Members, and helping with breed promotion}
With the extra space, Sean hopes to continue with his Narragansett turkeys and Pearl and Lavender Guinea Fowl, He will be raising some more of his White China Geese this spring, and soon he will have Blue India Peafowl available to boot, (he just got 2 new peahens from Larry for Regal to enjoy)
This coming spring he is in the hopes of raising Ringneck Pheasnts and Ruffled Grouse. Both require a permit and both have to be released into the wild..(for hunting).  we are looking into getting the permits all inorder before the order deadlines.
Hunting has become a great past-time for him, and now he has dedicated his time to making the environment friendlier to up-land game fowl, as well as being set on making sure there are pleanty to hunt.


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McKee\'s Fowl Farm Changes
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 12:07:50 PM »
we do plan on remaining Ameraucana Breeders Club Members, and helping with breed promotion

Thanks for the continued support and the update.  Hunting and the other interests are great for a 14 year old young man.


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McKee\'s Fowl Farm Changes
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 09:56:12 PM »

well whe don;t know if we will ever get over the paperwork hump to gettign permits for phesants and ruffled grouse, I called their \"special permits\" line and got a recording to leave name & number and the would return my call in the order it was recieved.......
Hmmmmmmmmm must be an awful lot of requests...they still havent called back!!
It is a good thing we started now, it says the permits have to be issued prior to march 15th if we want to get started in 07
I guess it is just one more thing the government has to drag out until the last minit??
By the way we still have Angle, the first \"ameraucana\" we ever hatched, her parents were both hatchery easter eggers of non descript breeding, and she managed to hatch out pure white..except if next to a realy white bird, one would see she is actulay a very soft buffish color. anyhow she is going to be 7 this february, and she is a pet, not to be parted with until she dies of old age.