Author Topic: 2023 ABC National Egg Contest  (Read 1287 times)

Lindsay Helton

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2023 ABC National Egg Contest
« on: May 20, 2023, 12:45:29 AM »
We will have an ABC national egg contest at our national meet! It is FREE to enter and prizes will be awarded for each class.

There are four classes for the egg contest:

1. Bantam pullet eggs
2. Bantam hen eggs
3. Large Fowl pullet eggs
4. Large Fowl hen eggs

Bring a minimum of 6 eggs for each entry in a suitable container of your choice. Sign up at the ABC table at the show to enter the contest. Egg entries will be judged after judging is complete for the National meet. Our illustrious judges are TBA.

Exhibitors may enter the same class more than once only if each entry represents a different Ameraucana variety. Egg entries that consist of multiple varieties shall be limited to one per class, and shall be designated “Various” on the entry form.

No unsolicited remarks by any exhibitor may be made within hearing distance of the judge during the judging process.

All egg entries become the property of the Ameraucana Breeders Club at the time of entry.

Two out of each entry of six eggs will be opened by the judge or the clerk to facilitate the judging of interior qualities and coloring.

The Judging Scale will be as follows:
1. Shell Texture 10   
2. Shell Quality 10   
3. Shell Shape 10
4. Size 10   
5. Cleanliness 10   
6. Shell Color 30
7. Freshness 10   
8. Interior Qualities 10

Total Points Possible:    100   

1. Evidence of faking including artificial coloring
2. Eggs having been boiled or otherwise preserved
3. No evidence of blue shell pigmentation
4. Eggs that are not from Ameraucanas
« Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 12:15:02 PM by Lindsay Helton »

Lindsay Helton

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Re: 2023 ABC National Egg Contest
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2023, 09:12:52 AM »
Don’t forget to collect eggs for our egg contest at the national meet! Cash prizes are up for grabs!

Lindsay Helton

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Re: 2023 ABC National Egg Contest
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2023, 08:23:34 PM »
Start collecting eggs this week! :)