Author Topic: APA and ABA ads  (Read 3550 times)

Lindsay Helton

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  • Ameraucana Guru II
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  • Posts: 1614
APA and ABA ads
« on: March 18, 2024, 07:46:16 PM »
Every year, the ABC advertises in the APA and ABA yearbooks, and we offer a discount on advertising via our club pages to our members. Advertising in the ABA and APA yearbooks is a great way to promote your farm and the Ameraucana breed! The rates to advertise with the ABC in the APA and ABA yearbooks for 2023 are listed below.

American Bantam Association:

Full page (below the header), black & white - 4.375" x 5.7" - $95
Half page, black & white - 4.375" x 2.85" - $47.50
Quarter page, black & white - 2.188" x 2.85" - $23.75
Eighth page, black & white - 2.188" x 1.425" - $12

Full page (below the header), color - 4.375" x 5.7" - $195
Half page, color - 4.375" x 2.85" - $97.50
Quarter page, color - 2.188" x 2.85" - $48.75
Eighth page, color - 2.188" x 1.425" - $24.50

American Poultry Association:

(9 x 2.8125)
B&W: $90
Color: $195

(4.5 x 2.8125)
B&W: $45
Color: $97.50

(2.25 x 2.8125)
B&W: $22.50
Color: $48.75

(2.25 x 1.875)
B&W: $11.25
Color: $32.50

Please send me an email at if you would like to be featured on one of our club pages this year. Please include what size advertisement you would like to have and whether you would like the advertisement to be in black & white or in color. We will be happy to design an ad for you from scratch if needed!

Please respond by Friday, April 13th to be included on our club pages!