A few interesting facts about Wheaten, Blue Wheaten and Splash Wheaten Ameraucana:
✔️ Wheaten, Blue Wheaten and Splash Wheaten Ameraucana are built on eWh.
✔️ Wheaten, Blue Wheaten and Splash Wheaten Ameraucana all look the same at hatch. Their color variety becomes apparent at a few weeks of age as they feather in.
✔️ Wheaten, Blue Wheaten and Splash Wheaten Ameraucana hatch with flesh colored shanks and toes that turn slate as they mature.
✔️ Wheaten, Blue Wheaten and Splash Wheaten Ameraucana females reflect their color variety in their wings and tails.
✔️ The Blue(Bl) gene creates the difference in the plumage colors of the three color varieties. Wheaten Ameraucana contain 0 copies of the Blue gene, Blue Wheaten Ameraucana contain 1 copy of the Blue gene and Splash Wheaten Ameraucana contain 2 copies of the Blue gene.
✔️ The Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana color varieties have been admitted to the Standard but the Splash Wheaten color variety has not been accepted