Author Topic: Seeking approval for a project color  (Read 2316 times)

Lindsay Helton

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Seeking approval for a project color
« on: May 15, 2024, 12:09:14 AM »
I have received a few inquiries regarding how a color variety is admitted to the APA Standard for a breed.

Are you interested in seeking approval for an Ameraucana project color with the APA? Read below!

The APA has a stringent approval process in order to ensure that there is a solid base of breeders working on a new variety and that it has reached a stage that could be classified as standardized. During an approval process, you will need the following:

✔️A petition for recognition of a new variety that is submitted at least 1 year prior to the first qualifying meet which includes the history of its origin, background, and relevant educational material. The proposed name for the variety and the Standard should also be included.

✔️A deposit of the sum sufficient to defray the actual cost of placing the text in the Standard shall be received with the petition ($300 per variety).

✔️Affidavits should be submitted from not less than 5 breeders, of 18 years of age or older, stating they have bred the variety for not less than 5 years and that it produces not less than 50% of all specimens reasonably true to type, color, size and comb. All 5 breeders must be APA members for a minimum of 5 years before the first qualifying meet can take place.

✔️Certificates showing 4 or more specimens have been exhibited in each class of cocks, hens, cockerels and pullets in each of the preceding 2 years at a show officiated by a licensed A.P.A. judge must be submitted. The Standard Committee will contact the judge for his or her confidential opinion of the quality and uniformity.

✔️The Standard Committee shall name 2 qualifying meets, the first at a regional show and the second at the Annual Convention. The meets are to be at least 1  year apart. The committee will consist of at least 2 judges with at least one being from the Standard of Perfection committee.

✔️The 2 qualifying meets must consist of not less than 25 specimens for a new variety exhibited by at least five exhibitors in equal numbers of cock, hen, cockerel and pullet. All exhibitors participating at the qualifying meets must be members of the Association at the time of judging. The qualifying meet judge will be required to complete the APA qualifying meet form outlining his or her assessment of the breed or variety and recommendations regarding whether they demonstrate sufficient quality to be admitted.

✔️The Standard Committee will report to the APA Board of Directors on the qualifying meet, including the Standard Committee’s recommendation regarding the admission of the new variety.

✔️The APA Board of Directors then votes on the recognition of the new variety.

Hopefully this post will be helpful to breeders interested in pursuing approval for an Ameraucana project color!