Open Show with 2 or more entries per variety:
Champion Ameraucana 75.00
Reserve Champion Ameraucana 50.00
Best of Breed (2) 40.00
Reserve of Breed (2) 20.00
Best of Variety (Includes Best AOV/21) 25.00
Reserve of Variety (Includes Reserve AOV/21) 15.00
Champion Trio (2) 25.00
Reserve Champion Trio (2) 15.00
Champion Display 25.00
Reserve Display 15.00
Ameraucana Egg Contest
Best Bantam Hen Eggs 50.00
Best Bantam Pullet Eggs 50.00
Best Large Fowl Hen Eggs 50.00
Best Large Fowl Pullet Eggs 50.00
Junior Show (no minimum entry required):
Champion Ameraucana 25.00
Best of Breed (2) 20.00
Reserve of Breed (2) 15.00
Best of Variety (Includes Best AOV/21) 10.00
Reserve of Variety (Includes Reserve AOV/21) 5.00
Rosettes are awarded to the following (no minimum required):
Open Show:
Champion Ameraucana
Reserve Champion Ameraucana
Best of Variety
Reserve of Variety
Junior Show:
Champion Ameraucana
Best of Variety
Reserve of Variety