Author Topic: A-M-E-R-A-U-C-A-N-A  (Read 2513 times)


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« on: April 01, 2007, 06:32:58 AM »
I\'m sure this is old news to everyone here, but I have just been tinkering around with chickens a few months and have sought all the information on the breeds I have interest in that I can find.  It isn\'t hard at all.  Then, why... do people expect you to pay good money for an animal, a product if you will, that THEY produce (supposedly in some sort of a professional manner for which they expect renumeration) which THEY cannot even spell??  Is it so difficult to comprehend:  purebred, crossbred, mongrel?  How do all the \"hatcheries\" get away with calling a \"breed\" they offer \"Americana/Easter Egger\"?   I suppose it is all the vowels that throw people off, but it doesn\'t take but a little effort to LEARN the spelling of AMERAUCANA and ARAUCANA, especially for one who purports to be a breeder of either one or both.  

Ok, I\'ll fall off my soapbox for now...

Mike Gilbert

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« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 08:51:34 AM »
Jennifer, I have been asking myself those questions for almost 30 years now.    At first it was perfectly understandable, but Ameraucanas have been recognized as a breed now since 1980.    I have about come to the conclusion that some folks really don\'t care to learn, they are just interested in making a buck anyway they can.   Your conclusion is correct;   be very careful when dealing with these vendors.

Johnny Parks

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« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 09:28:32 AM »
Jennifer, You\'re one new person who has done her research well.  NOW, you know the difference.  What you have learned should not stop with you.  Educate others!  Enjoy your Ameraucana!  Johnny