Author Topic: Anybody having problems posting on ABC Sharing Place?  (Read 3229 times)


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Anybody having problems posting on ABC Sharing Place?
« on: August 16, 2005, 08:36:12 PM »
Mike G. mentioned he\'s had some problems posting on ABC Sharing Place and I was just wonder if anybody else was having any problems?

If so here are some tips I have posted on my msn rose & garden group forum.  The same information applies to ABCSP

If you are having any technical problems using or navigating this website there is help. (this info is for ABC Sharing Place)
1. Click on \"help\" located above your name which is located upper right on any page here. (\"here\" meaning ABCSP forum)
This will open up a window on the right side of the page.  You will find trouble shooting information there.  If your problem is not covered there you can email msn concerning your technical difficulties and they will send you a reply usually within 24 hours.
To email msn for help...
2. Click on \"contact us\" which is located near the bottom of the help page.
3. Click on \"continue to contact us form\" which will take you to a form where you can type out your questions and email them to msn.
Tip:  With msn\'s customer service you often have to re-explain your problem to them because for whatever reason they may not respond directly to your questions or frequently and typically they give you trouble shooting advise like \"empty your cache\" and/or  \"adjust your cookie setting to medium\", which seems to be their stock solution for most problems.  Granted this advise is indeed sometimes the solution but they seem to advise you to do that even when the problem is their fault.
Sometimes it may take a couple of emails to them to get the advise you are seeking.
If you continue to have problems and you are unable to get help from msn customer service please post any problems to the forum and one of the managers will try to help you.


  • Guest
Anybody having problems posting on ABC Sharing Place?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 08:35:52 PM »

One thing to remember is that although MSN sites alow you to recieve messages sent to your in box, they do have constant problems arising with that, and folks who also reply by e-mail have even greater problems. the best bet is to go to the site, then sign into you msn passport, then reply to messages or start a new one.  The site really works better once you sign in.  As a \"visitor\" you can navigate some places and read some things, but to participate and acces the whole site, one needs to be signd in, or if not a member yet, just apply to join, it is free!, and we seldome bite.
to sign in just go to the site, at the top  and slightly to the right there is a sign in button, click it, and follow the directions.
If you are already a member, you do not need to re-join, just sign into yoiur passport.


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Anybody having problems posting on ABC Sharing Place?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 07:12:35 PM »
I just joined and am having no trouble posting. I put up pictures of my easter-egger flock there today. Initially, msn didn\'t really like my address, so I had to sign up under a new one, but now it all works fine. I didn\'t have to volunteer any personal information, though I find this platform faster, cleaner, simpler and more user friendly. I wonder if they make it harder for those whose default email isn\'t msn?

If any of you keen eyed breeders want to have a look & tell me what potential (if any) I\'ve got in my learner flock, I\'d appreciate your insight & comments. The album is Falconridge Ranch.

Thanks again for all of your help. I really enjoy reading your posts and especially looking at your photos!


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Anybody having problems posting on ABC Sharing Place?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2005, 09:46:07 PM »
The msn forums can be tricky at times.  
I\'m glad so far its going well with you.
I will check out your pics although I\'m not one of the experts.