Author Topic: Another Question, Beard and Muffs  (Read 3189 times)


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Another Question, Beard and Muffs
« on: August 19, 2005, 09:51:44 PM »
As I posted earlier on these large fowl, they are 10-11 weeks old.
I believe there is one that is I\'ll call clean faced..and a couple that
the beard and muff is minimal, I know the smooth, is not to be used, on the others....are they old enough to be removed, or does
the beard and muff also take time.  The ones that do have beards and muffs are really I just wondered if they could be slow maturing?
Thanks, phil


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Another Question, Beard and Muffs
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 01:33:04 PM »
Brother Phil,

If you have what you need for stock in the color and all other characteristics being equal I would remove them now. My silver large fowl seem to develope their muff and beard much slower than the other varieties I have, but in the end they look okay.



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Another Question, Beard and Muffs
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 02:56:48 PM »
Quote from: bantamhill
Brother Phil,

If you have what you need for stock in the color and all other characteristics being equal I would remove them now. My silver large fowl seem to develope their muff and beard much slower than the other varieties I have, but in the end they look okay.


Thanks Michael,

I also have a couple that are slow feathering, I think I will remove those to...
I know they should not be used for breeding unless I guess if that was all one had...
I got some really nice little buffs from John and I will be getting some of the LF buffs from Paul.  So in the Ameraucana\'s
I am only going to do the Buffs, maybe the White in the Bantam, and see what they do.
Thanks again Michael.