Author Topic: Black gold  (Read 3320 times)


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Black gold
« on: April 28, 2008, 07:20:22 PM »
I just joined the Ameraucana club and received the 2005 Handbok.

An article caught my eye about black gold because I have one that popped up from my group of black birds. At first I thought it was one of my BLR Wyandottes that was mismarked, but now I can see it is an Ameraucana.

I\'m at the point where do I keep it and try to get more, or just let it go.  I think it is a pullet.

Are there many breeding this color? If there are, I might jump into the frey and get myself a rooster.

Can anyone give me some insight on this variety and where it stands today?


Mike Gilbert

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Black gold
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2008, 08:39:46 PM »
Check the \"Breeders Directory\" found under our Downloads link to the left of your screen.    Myself, Wayne Gritter, Nancy Dean, Al Nichols, Greg Slayton, and Lyne Peterson all have Black Golds according to the directory.  There may be others, as not everyone has a listing in the Directory.   As far as I know only Lyne and possibly Greg have the large fowl;  the rest of us are working with bantams.   One reason they might not be more popular is their color tends to be quite variable, even out of well colored parents.   I have found this to be true of brown reds as well, and the black golds are closely related to brown red variety.

Mike Gilbert


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Black gold
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2008, 05:02:06 PM »
Oh, definitely, Sue... get a rooster!  This is really fun to work on and we need more folks working on them.  Post a photo of your pullet.  Check out my webpage with some photos.
Lyne Peterson
Northern California


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Black gold
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2008, 12:07:41 AM »
I posted some pix of my \"black and gold\" birds on the \"ABC Shareing Place\", if anyone might be interested.  I have a heck of a time getting them small enough to upload on this forum, yet big enough to see.

Here\'s a link...

Unfortunately I don\'t have these birds any longer--I traded them for something I needed much more, at the time. :(

Liz in Utah


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Black gold
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2008, 10:11:19 PM »
I guess I\'ll run them on, they don\'t really look like the pictures posted yet, but they are only a few months old.

I think mine are getting gold lace on black though, not gold with black lacing.  Ill have to take pictures & post them.


Mike Gilbert

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Black gold
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2008, 09:36:05 AM »
It doesn\'t looke to me like Liz\'s birds are actually black gold.
The black gold females need to have black laced gold on their fronts.   They appear to be color - crosses of some kind.


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Black gold
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2008, 09:18:31 PM »
Quote from: Mike Gilbert
It doesn\'t looke to me like Liz\'s birds are actually black gold.
The black gold females need to have black laced gold on their fronts.   They appear to be color - crosses of some kind.

K that certainly wouldn\'t surprise me, but could you be a little more specific about what you\'re looking for?  It sounds like they need gold with black lacing over their entire bodies, is that correct?  And what do you mean by a \"color-cross\"?

Liz in Utah--who is still trying to learn and is feeling pretty newbie!