Author Topic: very frustrated  (Read 2757 times)


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very frustrated
« on: May 15, 2008, 09:16:47 PM »

Very frustrated, here.  I have a friend who tag-teams with me in raising chickens--she broods them when they\'re tiny, I take them when they\'re older, and we split them when they\'re big enough.

Well, the irrigation company turned on the water today with no warning, and her whole place is flooded and half our chicks are dead.  We had 7 newly hatched (Monday) Ameraucana chicks and at the moment 3 are alive but very wet, and under the heat lamps trying to save them.

ARGH!  I will definitely need some more chicks...this is so frustrating. :(

Thanks for listening,

Liz in Utah


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very frustrated
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 09:23:49 PM »

I e-mailed you a couple days ago.  I should have some chicks on Monday June 2 to ship.

They will be mostly black and blues.  Let me know if you are interested.

The price is in the e-mail.


Mike Gilbert

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very frustrated
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 09:57:37 PM »
I\'m not understanding how irrigation water could reach a chick brooder?    Isn\'t irrigation water for fields?   Where were the chicks in relation to the source of the water?


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very frustrated
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2008, 10:45:21 PM »
Quote from: Mike Gilbert
I\'m not understanding how irrigation water could reach a chick brooder?    Isn\'t irrigation water for fields?   Where were the chicks in relation to the source of the water?

lol well, yes, actually the irrigation water IS for the field or paddock.  Unfortunately, the way they did this, they flooded the paddock, the yard, her house, and there was also a foot of water in her basement (which is where she was brooding our chicks) and everything down there was drowned--except for the 3 chicks who wet and bedraggled managed to jump on a perch and get out of the water.

It was nothing short of a heartbreaking disaster. :(


Mike Gilbert

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very frustrated
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 07:25:50 AM »
Sorry.   Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit if your friend wanted to pursue it.