Author Topic: Well, it\'s Official. I finally got it done!  (Read 2414 times)


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Well, it\'s Official. I finally got it done!
« on: July 18, 2008, 03:15:50 PM »
Well, folks it\'s official.  I received my membership packet in the mail last week or so (boy, ain\'t I on the stick!) and I\'m on the look out for a nice jacket to sew my patches on to.

Just wanted y\'all to know that I\'m officially part of the family now - so to speak.  Please don\'t hesitate to let me know if I can help with anything.

I have my breeding plan put together and then was thankfully reminded that I need to watch out for faults.  So as the time draws near, I will be pouring over what to look for and then re-evaluating the Plan.    I also just reviewed a few of the posts on here and realize that I am gonna absolutely have to take some time to pour over what many others have written and commented on with regard to breeding.

That inevitably is gonna lead to more study as, for example, I have no idea what an \"E Locus\" is at this point!  Oh my!

So let me just say that I know next to nothing about what I\'m doing and am VERY willing and eager to accept any and all sound advice as to how I might help develop the Wheaten and Blue Wheaten LF birds.  

At that same time, I still am excited about developing a more tri-colored Wheaten that I previously mentioned.

Again, please don\'t hesitate to let me know if there\'s anything I can do to help the Club and I look forward to hearing from y\'all and hopefully meeting one day.

God Bless,