Author Topic: Help!!! Somethings wrong with Angelina!  (Read 3115 times)


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Help!!! Somethings wrong with Angelina!
« on: September 08, 2005, 05:29:38 PM »
We went out tonight to feed and Angelina, an about 3 month old pullet, was sitting in a nest box (all the others were outside) and her head was shaking and turned to the right. She was making this pitiful high-pitched chirp and she is totally uncoordinated, when I reached in to get her she fluttered herself out of the box and into the coop but then just sat hunched down and listing to one side, head still turned toward the right and twitching. She pooped and it looked fine. Dh caught her and we put her in a separate cage, but I don\'t even know if she\'s got enough coordination to drink or feed?
Any idea whats going on with her and how to treat???


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Help!!! Somethings wrong with Angelina!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2005, 08:52:04 AM »
Ok, let\'s ask a few questions and take it from there:

- Has this pullet been vaccinated for anything, like Mareks?
- Is there any chance she was somehow injured?
- How is her breathing, normal?
- How do her eyes look, clear?
- Any discharge from her nostrils?
- Does her face look swollen at all?
- Is it possible she has eaten something poisonous? Does she free-range? Is there any moldy food or hay or mushrooms she could have had access to? Are there any man-made toxins she could have been exposed to?

The turned head and uncoordination sound like a neurological problem, but it could have several causes. Please let us know how she does and in the meantime keep her warm and unstressed. It probably wouldn\'t hurt to feed her a warm mash mixed with some molasses and yogurt and/or probiotics, just to keep her system working well. Best of luck with her!