Author Topic: Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question  (Read 7577 times)


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« on: November 12, 2008, 01:00:57 PM »
I\'ve been trying to decide for months what color of Ameraucana I\'m going to raise, and it\'s been tough, but I\'m pretty sure now that I want to get some nice wheaten/blue wheaten, and splash wheaten...........especially after reading Paul\'s post about the color genetics of them, and seeing the beautiful photos.

I have some hatchery Ameraucanas already for the pretty blue and blue-green eggs only...NOT for breeding.  

I know most hatcheries sell EE\'s.  

These came from my farm store who got them from Ideal Poultry, so they aren\'t actually mixed with other breeds of chickens like some EE\'s are, but are just mixed colors, which Ideal clearly tells you up front.  One is actually a pretty nice representation of the breed, but has a little black in her hackles.  She does have the slate legs and lays a beautiful blue egg, but again, I\'m not using her for breeding.

I do want to get into raising true APA recognised Ameraucanas, but want some good bloodlines.  I know most of you have some good stock, but also have long waiting lists.

Well, here\'s what I\'m thinking, but you tell me if you think I\'m way off here.  

Just a couple of months ago, I noticed some proper colored Ameraucana chicks in the bins at that same farm store (Ideal Poultry stock), mixed in with all their typical chipmunk looking ones.  These were nice fluffy yellow Ameraucana chicks.   They\'ve never had these before as far as I know, and I go in the store a lot. I\'ve been wondering if Ideal has upgraded their stock recently, and might actually have some decent Ameraucanas I could use in a breeding program.

I decided to take a gamble and buy them and just see what I ended up with.  If nothing else, I\'d have more pretty blue or blue-green eggs right?  

Well, out of the purchase, I ended up with a buff female, a white male and female, and 3 pretty blue wheatens, which I think are all females.  These were all banded pullets by the way, but the one white is definately a male.....heavier, thick legs, scant tail feathers, more prominant pinker comb, more errect stance.  I also noticed when I bought him that he didn\'t have that extra row of feathers near the bottom of the wing that the females  have (some of you probably know what I mean), but I told myself that since he was banded he must be a female!  Nope!  Anyway, they all turned out to have slate legs except the buff, which are just slightly green.  The two white had the nicest deepest slate leg coloring, but just this past week (about 9 or 10 wks old I think) the color has gone off just a tad.  I wonder if this is only temporary though.  It was perfect before.  All of the blue wheaten pullets leg color still looks right.  For what I paid, and for my expectations, I\'m happy with these chicks.

So, I\'m thinking that if I had a nice blue wheaten or splash wheaten male from good lines to breed with these three female blue wheatens, I might get some pretty nice chicks.  

Of course, I\'d like to get a couple of nice females from good lines too, but I know from reading here and other forums  that good ones aren\'t that easy to come by.

In the meantime, if I start out with these 3 pullets, and a nice male, would that sound like a good plan?


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2008, 06:49:36 PM »
It would be helpful to see photos of what you have.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2008, 10:35:49 AM »
I was going to take photos when I got home yesterday afternoon, but my battery went dead.  I\'ve got it on the charger now and will get the photos this afternoon....if I get home before dark that is.  It gets dark before dinner time now.  I HATE daylight saving time!  The chickens put themselves up about 20 or 30 minutes after I get home and let them all out.  I feel terrible that they only get to run around on the weekend now.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 10:46:23 AM »
Well, I got home yesterday and went straight to the barn, but it was getting dim and I didn\'t have good light inside at all, so only a few pics turned out at all. I\'m about to resize them.

By the way, these chicks had just spent there first night (and day) out with the older chicks and chickens in the coop, so I caged them for protection and to get everybody used to each other.  Well, I got home to find they\'d made a huge mess of themselves dustbathing in the cage all day, so I appologise in advance for the messy little buggers, lol!  I was losing light so no time to clean them up for pictures.

Be back after I reduce the photos and load them.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2008, 11:08:08 AM »
The top one is the one that I think might be a boy.  The tail feathers are so short.

I thought I had a pic of both girls but that second photo is actually the \"boy\" again.

The third pic is a female, but she was wiggling so I had to just hold her to snap a quick pic.

The third one is the buff female and she\'s a living doll but she has pretty green legs.

Actually even the others have all gone off a bit, but I\'m hoping it\'s only temporary, as they were very blue gray up until this last week or so.

I also got a quick shot of that white male before it got too dark.  He is definately a boy!

His legs were the bluest of all of these, but are also turning green right now, and his comb looks like it\'s going crooked.  I was thinking about keeping him to breed to the one white female (her pic didn\'t turn out), but I don\'t guess I should if he has too many faults.  Do you think the legs will blue up again.  I know the legs of the EE pullets I have got less green as they matured.  

I\'ll post his photo in a second.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2008, 11:16:21 AM »
Oh, and these did have muffs, but of course they\'re getting their new feathers in.

The buff is older, so she\'s getting hers back.  I sure wish she had slate legs, but I don\'t have a buff male for her anyway.  Guess she\'ll go into my EE flock.

Ok, here is that white male...  Again, sorry for the barnyard dirt!


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2008, 12:27:59 PM »
Ok, here is the other female.  I first deleted this one because it was out of focus, and I thought I already had a pic of her in that top bunch, but the first two are of the same chick.

These are such bad pics!  I lightened this just a bit.

Am I correct that these are Blue Wheaten?


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2008, 12:33:08 PM »
From what I can see the top 3 photos look like a pullet that is splash wheaten or blue wheaten.  The 4th looks like it may be buff crosses with white, so not a good breeder and the white with willow legs/shanks would be good for your Easter Egger coop.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2008, 12:35:18 PM »
Now that I see that last pic you posted I\'m inclined to think those pullets are not \"wheaten\" varieties, but buff/white crosses like the cockerel.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2008, 12:43:24 PM »
I think the coloring is also turning out to orangy.  My camera makes yellows and golds look oranger than they are, and makes purple look blue.

They all have the gray-blue in their feathering also, it\'s just not picking up.  You can see it somewhat in that second photo.

The buff/white is a female.  If that\'s what she is, and having the green legs, then yes, she\'s go in with the EE\'s.

I think the white one on the barn door is a the cockerel, unfortunately.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2008, 12:53:22 PM »
I should give them all a bath and get someone to hold them outside so I can get better photos in natural light.

If they all wind up going into the EE pen, I\'ll just have to keep wishing and hoping I guess.

I\'d talked to a couple of breeders but I guess no one close by has Wheatens.  Guess I can\'t be that picky.

Mike Gilbert

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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2008, 12:54:46 PM »
I\'m guessing these birds have a dose of dominant white, which changes black to white, but leaves the red pigment.  Dominant white over black breasted red gives the red pyle color for example.  
The \"buff\" last bird in first post appears to be a cockerel to me.   He has a lot of white in his feathers.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2008, 01:02:39 PM »
Oh, I hope the buff isn\'t a male.  It was purchased as a banded pullet......but so was that last white one.  So far it has a pullet shape, with a longer tail than a male usually has, but I\'ve been fooled once before.  

I do have one other female with a very prominant comb, and she\'s laying nice blue eggs now.   I guess I can hope and just wait and see.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2008, 01:30:11 PM »
So, then I\'m going to stick my neck out and ask if I get red pyle out of breeding any of these birds?

I also have a solid white female chick.

I have a Wheaten EE cockerel in my EE pen, but only because his legs are too green and he has black in his hackle feathers.  He\'s not a crossed with another breed of chicken.

Didn\'t I read somewhere that that\'s the way to get a red pyle.  

They\'re absolutely stunning birds and I\'d love to own some.


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Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas & breeding stock question
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2008, 12:56:12 PM »
Well, thank you for your answers.

If all I got out of this purchase is a bunch of EE\'s, then I\'m not going to breed them and sell them as Ameraucanas.  I can always use more eggs, and in the meantime I\'ll keep my eye out for some TRUE Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas.

I just wanted opinions from people who knew what they were talking about.  I hope I haven\'t made myself look too stupid.