Author Topic: Which one do I keep?  (Read 2793 times)


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Which one do I keep?
« on: November 29, 2008, 11:38:55 AM »
I have 2 White Ameraucana cockerels. I can only keep one. For those of you w/ my experience which one of these 2 cockerels fits the standard better. Both cockerels are 6 months old.

Based on what I see I would probably go w/ the first one. He seems to have a better tail and muff/beard. Now I could be totally off there though. However, he\'s somewhat on the nasty/aggressive side and I\'ve seen him picking fights w/ the one in the below picture and my other chickens. I don\'t want to have a mean rooster in my flock. I do have 2 others a Silver and a Buff Orpington that I plan to keep. So 1 of these white ones has to go.

Apologies for such the large pictures. I tried resizing them like 5x and it wouldn\'t work. If someone could tell me how to resize to make smaller I will.



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Which one do I keep?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2008, 03:45:13 PM »
Dear Kim,

They are both vry nice.. have to ask.. are you selling the other roo..?  Where are you at?  If no one else I would be interested.  

Both are very similar.. I personally like the one on the bottom better.. I like the set of his tail,  but the top rooster has nice beard and muffs!!!  

Barb & Paul
Star Studio Ranch
Marion, TX


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Which one do I keep?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2008, 04:50:57 PM »
I personally like the one on the bottom better..

It is difficult to see the details of the bird in the smaller photo, but I think his comb looks better also...closer to the skull and not as large as the other bird\'s.
Apologies for such the large pictures.

I like the larger photos better.  They just have to be under 35kp to post.  It may be confusing, but the photos can be fairly large physically, without being too big of a file size.  I use Microsoft Office Picture Manager to reduce my photos to under 35kp.  It reduces the physical size of the photos, but also the resolution or file size.  That is different than just making the photos smaller.  Another thing that is very helpful is to first crop the photos to get rid of all the background that isn\'t needed.


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Which one do I keep?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2008, 12:11:52 AM »
Can\'t tell if it is the camera or if the 2nd males sadle has a bit of yellowing in it. If it does you may want to use the first male. On the other hand, the 2nd male looks to have a more correct comb, but smaller muff and beard. To me it depends on the females they are being bred with. If the females have small muffs, you may want to use the 1st one. Temperment does tend to carry on to offspring, but will sometimes breed out.


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Which one do I keep?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2008, 10:31:15 AM »
Thank you for all the comments. From the sounds of it the one w/ the smaller comb (2nd picture) is the one I should keep.  That\'s the one I did want to keep anyways, as he\'s the nicer of the two.

Jsimon, you had asked about the yellowing it is probably from the dirt/dust bathing. It is somewhat muddy where I am at now and many of my white birds look like they do need baths.

Again thanks everyone for the comments.
