Author Topic: Bird w/ runny nose  (Read 2683 times)


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Bird w/ runny nose
« on: January 27, 2009, 08:56:06 PM »
One of my Ameraucana pullets has a runny nose. She is isolated and has been isolated for about a week and a half. Initial symptoms were runny nose and goopy/runny/watery eyes. Her eye symptoms are gone but still has a runny nose. She doesn\'t have the signs of Coryza w/ the swollen head. I went to one of my other forums and they told me what she has is contagious and if she does get over this she will be a carrier of it. I am wondering if I should cull this bird now, or should I wait a couple more weeks to see if this runny nose goes away.


Mike Gilbert

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Bird w/ runny nose
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 09:30:08 PM »
Is she the only one with symptoms?    How large is your flock - the one she was a part of until you isolated her from the others?  Is the nasal discharge smelly?    Chances are she has a mycoplasma or chronic respiratory disease.   If she has it, chances are high that the others have been exposed.
Some birds are just naturally more resistant to infections than others.   Those that lack resistance should not be used as breeders.     Stress brings out symptoms, so make sure your birds are not stressed by overcrowding, too cold, too hot, etc.
If this bird is not irreplaceable you might cull her now, but I doubt it will make much difference to the rest of your flock.


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Bird w/ runny nose
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2009, 04:44:15 PM »
Yes, she is the only one showing symptoms I have about 17 hens/pullets and 3 roosters. Yes, the discharge is kind of on the smelly side. And no, no other birds are showing symptoms at this time. Where would she have picked this up at?

My birds aren\'t really stressed and there really isn\'t any overcrowding. Right now everyone gets to free range during the day and at night everyone gets locked up.

I can easily replace this bird. So from what it sounds like I should just cull her.


Mike Gilbert

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Bird w/ runny nose
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 09:18:30 PM »
I would, just to make sure her offspring don\'t get into the gene pool.   Also there is a possibility the others have not yet been exposed.   If the exudate is smelly you are probably dealing with coryza.