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Topics - bryngyld

Pages: 1 [2]
Ameraucana Marketplace / black gold off colors?
« on: November 23, 2006, 11:21:36 AM »
OK, I was told to select the most solid buff colored F1 offspring.  I\'m wondering why I wouldn\'t save some laced ones if I was crossing to buff to get that lacing.  

I also wonder if some of my buffs are too \"red\".  

Then my blue LF crosses gave me a blue cockerel that is orange instead of yellow.  I never got an orange in my bantams!  Is this a bad color?

Ameraucana Marketplace / Buffs in my black gold flock
« on: September 25, 2006, 05:54:25 AM »
I bred my black gold bantam hens (and brown red large fowl hen) to a large buff rooster.  I don\'t know what offspring to keep.  I got a few dark legs, so I can cull the lighter legs and chicks without muffs and beards, but I have some variation in the buff color, too.  Do I look for lacing in the buffs?  I also have a creamy buff.  This creamy buff was my cafe aulait chick with chocolatey legs.

Ameraucana Marketplace / black gold - too much gold?
« on: April 19, 2006, 11:39:14 PM »
The sire of my black gold bantams was critiqued as needing more lacing.  Now I\'m afraid I\'ve selected cockerels with too much gold, thinking that would give me more lacing.  (My pullets selected for more gold came out great - with lacing all the way to the tail.)

I really need help chosing which to keep before this weekend when one of them will be sold.  Photos show the sire and then cockerel 1 and 2.  Also the body type in the photos IS the way they look.  #2 has an Old English look.

First I thought I should sell the sire, but now I\'m thinking I should sell cockerel #2 and keep the sire to reduce the amount of gold.  I really don\'t understand the genetics of the pattern to decide!  HELP, please.

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