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Topics - Paul

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Ameraucana Marketplace / Large Fowl Ameraucana Chicks
« on: March 18, 2018, 02:10:13 PM »
  We should be able to supply Large Fowl Ameraucana chicks from our March 19, 2018 hatch.

Black, Blue, Splash,
Wheaten, Blue Wheaten, Splash Wheaten
White and Self Blue.

Paul & Angela Smith
Call 940-768-8705

Ameraucana Marketplace / For Sale Large Fowl Ameraucana Pullets
« on: March 18, 2018, 02:07:37 PM »
Over 60 Large Fowl pullets
(April 10, 2017-Oct. 16, 2017)
and a few young Large Fowl hens.
Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Buff, Wheaten, and White.

Also a few Large Fowl cockerels for breeding.

Paul & Angela Smith
Call 940-768-8505

Ameraucana Marketplace / Ameraucana Large Fowl Hatching Eggs
« on: March 18, 2018, 02:02:02 PM »
Ameraucana Large Fowl Hatching Eggs

Ameraucana Large Fowl Hatching eggs in
Black, Blue, Splash, and White
Now available from our show breeding flock.

 Paul & Angela Smith
 Call 940-768-8405

Housing, Health & Hatching / Ice Storm
« on: February 23, 2018, 02:59:33 PM »
  We survived the ice storm and power outage.  Hopefully our seventh hatch of the season did also.  They were started at 9:30 AM on Tuesday  Feb. 13, 2018-one day late due to Matthew showing at the San Antonio and San Angelo hog shows.

  Our electricity temporarily went out on Wednesday Feb. 21, at 7:15 AM and 9:15 AM.  1:15 PM it went down.  We fired-up our seventeen year old generator and plugged in two GQF incubators and a heat lamp on chicks just removed from our incubator from our sixth hatch only moments before the outage.  This was our first experience using the generator for the incubators.  The electric power has temporarily gone out several times while we were hatching in the past, but this is the first time that it stayed out.  We purchased the generator to run the travel trailer that we use to take to the poultry shows.

  The generator ran great for about three hours, then terrible for another one and half hours before dying.  We immediately went to town to purchase another generator to find all 3 stores closed due to out of power.  Some parts of Gainesville had power and others didn’t.  We had to go to Sherman, a neighboring town 40 miles away to purchase a new generator.  The incubators and heat lamp were off for 3 ½ hours by the time we had the new generator in operation.  Three freezers and two refrigerators were also powered up by 10:00 PM.  The incubators were closely monitored and adjusted in an attempt to maintain the correct temp as the room temp decreased due to the heat being out.  Electricity was restored at 8:00 AM on Thursday Feb. 22, only to have it go out again at 10:00 AM and remained out until 6:00 PM.  The generator rested for 2 hours then back to work for another 8.

  We are eager to see what hatches on March 6 as this is a new experience for us.

Ameraucana Marketplace / White and Blue chicks
« on: February 01, 2018, 11:19:58 AM »
  We may be able to supply white and blue chicks form our Feb. 5 hatch.  The other varieties are heavily booked for this hatch.  Contact Paul Smith by e-mail or call 940-768-8405 for order info.

Housing, Health & Hatching / Red Cell Vitamin
« on: January 28, 2018, 09:40:09 AM »
  We purchased a gallon of Red Cell for horses to use in our breeder's feed.  We have heard and read where it is suppose to boost the old cocks fertility which we have been having a problem with.  The first Red Cell feed was fed Saturday Jan. 27, 2018.

  One cup of Red Cell was mixed with approximately one gallon of fish meal/soybean meal/vita-ferm-Cattlemans Blend.  Then this damp meal mixture was added to 50 pounds of wheat, 10 pounds oats, 5 pounds of commercial layer feed, some grower grit and a pint of oyster shell.  One mixer of this feed will feed our breeding pens for two days.  The remaining 5 days of the week we will use corn oil in the meals to dampen them and give them a clinging ability to stick to the whole grains.  This experiment should last about 16 weeks per gallon of Red Cell.

  Anyone have experience with Red Cell that they would like to share?

  Sorry this is so late-been swamped in work since the Fayetteville shows.  Normally I try to write the reports on the way home but I was either driving or asleep.

  The South Central district held it’s annual district meet in Fayetteville, Arkansas at the Heart of the Ozarks (HOTO) poultry show on November 4 and 5, 2017.  Seven ABC members from 4 states exhibited 36 large fowl and 9 bantams in the open show.  Four junior showed 4 large fowl and 4 bantams for a total of 53 Ameraucanas.

  Brad Stonebarger of Triple S farm showed 9 brown red bantams in the open show judged by Paul Monteith of Canada, with two cockerels winning BV, RV, BB and RB.  It was great to learn that Brad is breeding brown red bantams.  Keirsten Klaus showed 3 wheaten and 1 blue wheaten bantams in the junior show which was judged by Steven Beaty of New Mexico., Keirsten’s wheaten cockerel won BV, BB and Res. AOCCL.  One of her wheaten pullets won RV and RB.  Keirsten has a very good start purchased from Jeff and Cheryl Vance.  Ameraucana bantams are getting good starts in the SC district now, with several ABC members breeding them.  There will be an increase of Ameraucana bantams in the SC district shows as they come more available.

  Four large fowl black Ameraucanas were shown by 3 Juniors with Steven Beaty selecting a cockerel shown by Adrian Stripe for BV and BB and Jackson Moore’s hen RV and RB.

  Three large fowl blues were shown in the open show.  Paul & Angela Smith won BV on a pullet and Clif Redden won RV on a pullet.  Four blue wheatens were shown with Ann Horsman winning BV on a cock and RV on a hen, from chicks purchased two years ago from Paul & Angela Smith.  Two wheatens were shown with Ann Horsman winning BV on a hen and Paul & Angela Smith RV on a pullet.  One buff cockerel was shown into BV by Paul & Angela Smith.  Two self blues were shown by Paul & Angela with their cockerel placing BV and pullet RV.  Six whites were shown with Paul & Angela winning BV on a cockerel.  Sherry Klaus won RV on a pullet purchased from Paul & Angela.  One splash cockerel was shown by Clif Redden.  Clif’s splash cockerel won best AOV over the self blue cockerel.  The splash variety will soon start the long process of becoming a recognized variety of Ameraucanas.  The ABC second pre-qualifying meet for the self blue is scheduled for the Dixie Classic in Knoxville, TN on Dec. 2 & 3, 2017.  I have several Texas self blue breeders prepared for a second and last chance to meet the 4-4-4-4 second pre-qualifying meet before the deadline in January 2018.  We should be able to meet the requirements at the Knoxville show.  However, if the weather and roads get bad, it could cause a failed attempt to have the required numbers.  The Bluebonnet Classic at College Station, TX. Entry deadline is after the Knoxville, TN. Show, so it provides a second chance to have a 4-4-4-4 pre-qualifying meet.  We had our first pre-qualifying meet in Shawnee, OK on Dec. 10, 2016.  Shawnee’s entries are closed, so it is not available to enter the required numbers.  The four exhibitors that meet the pre-qualifying meet were all from Texas.  Texas has only closed poultry shows, not allowing out of state birds due to Texas Animal Health regulations.  Unfortunately this will not allow anyone out of Texas to help with the pre-qualifying meet.  We are planning on taking 7 head of self blues to Knoxville to help with the pre-qualifying meet.

  Blacks were the largest class with 17 shown.  Jan Geis of M & J Farm won BV, BB, Champion large fowl and Champion Ameraucana on a cockerel.  Jan also won RV, RB and Res. Ameraucana on a cockerel.

  The SC district managed to have a good show even though it had to compete with a homecoming football game and another show in the district on the same weekend.  Just for the record, hotel rooms which had not been pre-booked, were available in Fayetteville for the weekend.  Most ABC members who showed went to the Golden Corral for dinner.  We did not hold a formal district meeting to select a show for our 2018 district meet.  I had planned for a meeting to select a back-up show in the event Larry Clionski chose the APA national meet in Shawnee, OK. on November 17 & 18, 2018 to be our ABC national.  Having received word that our national ABC meet will be in Greenville, Ohio at the Dayton show, our South Central district meet will be at the APA national meet in Shawnee, OK.  This should be our first qualifying meet for the large fowl self blue, as the qualifying meets are assigned to an APA national or semi-annual meet!

  Amanda Stallman of California judged the ABC club meet at Fayetteville, Arkansas on Nov. 4 & 5, 2017.  The open show is judged twice at the HOTO show.  The Juniors are busy with showmanship so their birds are only shown once.

  Paul & Angela Smith won BV on a blue cockerel and Clif Redden RV on a blue pullet.  Ann Horsman won BV on a blue wheaten cock and Paul & Angela RV on a blue wheaten pullet.  The wheaten class remained the same with Ann Horsman winning BV on a hen and Paul & Angela RV on a pullet.  The buff and self blues also remained the same.  Surprisingly both Amanda and Paul Monteith chose the self blue cockerel over the self blue pullet.  Sherry Klaus won BV and RV on white pullets.  Clif Redden won Best AOV with his splash cockerel.  Jan Geis’s black cockerel won BV, BB and Res. large fowl.  This was the same cockerel that won reserve breed under Paul Monteith’s judgement.  The RV black and RB was a pullet shown by Brad Stonebarger of Triple S Farm.  Amanda selected the same brown red cockerel for BV and BB in the bantams but chose a pullet for RV and RB.

  The double judged shows are fun to see the difference in judge’s opinions and their interpretation of the APA Standard of Perfection (SOP).  The past few years we have been seeing judges use Ameraucanas that are much larger framed (oversized), level backed rather than taller at the shoulders, loose feathered to the point that they are fluffy.  We as Ameraucana breeders must get back to the SOP or we will have our Ameraucana breed in the same situation as the Berkshire hogs are now, where they have either the old time Berks or the new modern Berks with lots of white due to crossing with other breeds.  We need to encourage each other to select our breeding birds as close as possible to the SOP!  I had two ABC members ask what can be done to get the varieties other than black to win?  My response was I don’t know.  After a few days of thinking-the answer came.  We as Ameraucana breeders must go back to the SOP and start breeding and showing the correct body type.  Then start educating the judges, and everyone involved with Ameraucanas.

  Most of the blacks at Fayetteville, were extremely different from the other varieties shown.  After the judging of the second show was completed, while recording the results the clerk and judge Amanda Stallman came to me and ask if the ABC needed any other selections-(meaning Champion Ameraucana), which we didn’t since the second show judged by Paul Monteith was our SC district meet.  The Champion Ameraucana only needs to be selected from a district and national meet.  As we were walking by the black pullets-Amanda said “They are like Orphingtons with muffs and beards!”  Ouch-I missed an open door to start the Ameraucana breed back on the right road, according to the SOP.

  I thought the selection of BB that didn’t align with the SOP would correct itself in due time.  A few years ago Max and I thoroughly discussed type.  Max being relative new to the Ameraucana breed at that time, ask a judge when are you going to stop selecting the big fluffy ones for champion?  Max told me that the judges reply was when the breeders stop bringing them.

  Photos of both shows will be posted ASAP.

  The Red River Bantam Club held their annual poultry show which included an ABC meet on Oct. 7th.  We missed Max, Ernie, Dorothy, Peggy and Mary in the open show and Clarabelle in the Jr. show.  The absentees created a large decrease in Ameraucanas this year but the over all total birds shown was up over 100 head.  We still had a good Ameraucana meet which resulted great for our breed.

  Four Ameraucana breeders, all ABC members showed 19 head of large fowl in the open show.  Blues were the largest class with six shown.  Casey Carter had the BV on a hen and Paul & Angela Smith had RV on a pullet.  Self blues tied for the second largest class with 5 shown.  Howard Story had BV and RV self blue on two hens.  Howard’s BV self blue hen won best AOV Ameraucana.  Shannon Rowe showed a splash pullet into BV splash which won reserve AOV Ameraucana.  The ABC should start working toward getting the splash a recognized variety in about 2 years.  It was voted at our last national meeting in Caldwell, ID to start the splash recognition process, after the self blue was completed.  Paul & Angela showed a pair of whites with their cockerel winning BV and pullet RV.  Five blacks were shown with Paul & Angela Smith’s pullet winning BV, BB, best AOSB, and champion large fowl.  Casey Carter showed a black pullet to win RV, RB and Res. AOSB.

  There were 31 bantams entered in the open show but none were shown.

  Six self blue bantams were shown in the Jr. show by Houston Story.  Houston’s hen was selected BV and awarded BB since no other bantams of the recognized varieties were shown.  Houston’s cockerel won RV and RB.  Once the ABC completes the self blue recognition process, they will be eligible to win BB and higher.

  There were 13 head of large fowl shown in the Jr. show.  Two self blue pullets were shown by Dakota Weimar to BV and RV.  One blue cuckoo cockerel was also shown by Dakota to BV.  Five blues were shown.  Eric Waterman had the BV on a pullet.  RV was a pullet shown by Clayton Tackel.  There were also five blacks shown.  Eric Waterman’s pullet won BV, BB, best AOSB and Jr. champion large fowl.  The RV was a pullet shown by Dakota Weiman and his pullet also won RB and Res. AOSB.

  Bill Hopkins judged all the Ameraucanas, the Jr. show, all the open large fowl and many of the bantams.  Ameraucanas won their share with the champion large fowl and Res. AOSB in both the Jr. and open shows!

Exhibiting & Promoting / State Fair of Texas 2017
« on: August 28, 2017, 01:39:52 PM »
  Considering all the adverse restrictions that the Texas State Fair Poultry Show now imposes on its exhibitors
   1. 50 day before the show entry deadline
   2. extra hassle of entrance through gate #15 rather than gate #2-so PT papers can be shown which were sent in with the entries!!!
   3. purchase of a parking permit
   4. only one exhibitor pass
   5. new rule of no advertisements allowed along with the extra heavy traffic that the fair creates, the extremely high food prices, the possibility of the TAHC quarantining every ones flock who showed, and the weekend before our ABC national we have decided not to enter any birds this year.  There are many other shows in the area that are more exhibitor friendly than the Texas Stat Fair.  It is scheduled to be an ABC meet.  The entry deadline is Friday September 1, so get your entries sent in if you want to show.  We will try to make it to the fair on Saturday Oct. 21, to see the birds and all who showed!

  Paul Smith

  P.S.  We committed to showing at the Texas State Fair before knowing some of their new requirements which pushed this show into the "no show zone".  Sorry if you were counting on Angela & I to be there.  We will try to make the new April show in Dallas.

  We are now accepting orders for day old large fowl Ameraucana chicks in black, blue, splash, wheaten, blue wheaten, splash wheaten, white, self blue (incorrectly called lavender by some) and self blue splits for fall 2017/Spring 2018 hatches.  We plan to have our first hatch of the season on Sept. 11, 2017.  There will be one each month in Sept., Oct. and Nov.  Then one every two weeks starting Jan. 8, 2018.

  E-mail for price list and order info. 

  Paul & Angela Smith

  The South-Central district meet was set for the HOTO poultry show in Fayetteville, ARK. at our South-Central District meeting in Shawnee, OK. last Dec.  We can and will have a good Ameraucana meet if Ameraucana breeders will support the show, which is November 4th & 5th, 2017.  The district meets should be the prominent show for each district, with the exception of the districts hosting our national meet, which should be the top Ameraucana event in the U.S.

  There has been some incorrect info spread about hotel availability.  I asked Jacob for hotels available and prices.  He sent me to Bentonville, ARK.-google hotels.  I was surprised to see that according to the internet, Bentonville, has 92 hotels!  Presently the cheapest I found was Home Towne Suites.  Friday and Saturday night for 2 nights for 2 adults is only $89 for both nights-$45/night.  Days Inn has two nights for $102-$51/night.  Some go into the $300's for 2 nights $150/night.  If you are planning on showing at the ABC South-Central District meet you need to book a room ASAP to get a reduced rate as they are in high demand.

Ameraucana Marketplace / June 5th Hatch
« on: May 26, 2017, 10:10:13 AM »
  A rare opportunity is rapidly coming to an end.  We can still supply wheaten, blue wheaten, splash wheaten, black, blue and now splash from our last hatch of the season, June 5th.  The whites, self blue and self blue splits are fully booked for June 5th, with some self blue already booked for our September hatch.  Information available by e-mailing .

  The South Texas State Fair Ameraucana meet held in Beaumont on April 1, was a big success for a show held so late in the season.  All the Ameraucanas were brought out of breeding pens, and most were still in good condition.  The Juniors and open show exhibitors show their birds together.  When the judging is completed the junior birds which place the highest are the Jr. winners.

  Fifty-four large fowl were shown by 8 exhibitors.  Four blues were shown with Paul & Angela Smith winning BV on a hen and RV on a pullet.  Paul & Angela showed the only wheaten, a cockerel and the only blue wheaten a cock, both into BV.  Three splash wheatens were shown with Peggy Taylor winning BV on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  Whites were the largest class with 22 head.  Ernie Haire won BV on a cock, RV on a hen, Show Res. Champion Trio and Best Display on whites.  Four self blue were shown with Paul & Angela Smith winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Six buff were shown with Ernie Haire winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Thirteen blacks were shown.  Aaron Hickson won BV, BB and Res. AOSB on a pullet and RV and RB on a cock.  Congratulations to Aaron on these major wins at a well attended Texas Ameraucana meet.  Caleb Hahn had the top placing Junior Ameraucanas.  Caleb’s black pullet won BB, best AOSB and Res. LF of the Jr. show.  Caleb Hahn also had the Res. AOSB on a black pullet.  Congratulations to Caleb.

  Sixty-nine bantams were shown by 4 ABC members.  Anthony Ashley judged both the LF and bantam Ameraucanas.  Three buff were shown with Peggy Taylor winning BV on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  Six splash wheaten were shown with Peggy Taylor winning BV on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  Nine wheaten were shown with Peggy Taylor winning BV and BB on a pullet and RV and RB on a pullet.  Three splash were shown with Ernie Hair winning BV on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  Eight self blue were shown with Dorothy Haire winning BV and RV on two cockerels.  Five blues were shown with Ernie Haire winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Ten blacks were shown with Ernie Haire winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Sixteen white bantams made the whites the largest class.  Ernie Haire had the BV on a pullet out of a trio and RV on a cockerel.  All ABC members who showed except Paul & Angela Smith said this was their last show of the season.

  First time in two years that we have been caught up on orders for blue wheaten/wheaten/splash wheaten chick orders!  We can now accept orders for our May 22 and June 5th hatches for the following varieties that we raise-blue wheaten/wheaten/splash wheaten, black, blue, splash, self blues (incorrectly called lavender by some), self blue splits and whites.  We may be able to send some varieties from our May 8th hatch.
We had a few orders to cancel and several request to never develop to an order.
Info may be obtained by e-mailing

Exhibiting & Promoting / Ft. Worth Open and Junior Show
« on: April 04, 2017, 09:39:53 PM »
  The Ft. Worth Ameraucana meet was a huge success!  The open show held Jan. 14 & 15 had 7 ABC members show. This show changed from two head of large fowl hid the corner in 2010 to 68 head in the center main aisle & 87 head of bantams.  Unfortunately the 87 bantams were spread into three places in the show room, but all were judged and had their fair chance of being BB and beyond!  Jamie Matts judged both the large fowl and bantams.  The large fowl show had fifteen blues shown by 4 exhibitors with Max Strawn winning BV and RB on one pullet and RV also on a pullet.  Ernie Haire showed five buffs with his cockerel winning BV and a pullet RV.  Nine self blues were shown by two with Howard Story winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Peggy Taylor showed three splash wheatens with her two pullets winning BV and RV.  Six blue wheatens were shown by 3 with Max Strawn winning BV on a pullet and Paul & Angela Smith RV on a cock.  Six wheatens were also shown by 3 with Max Strawn winning BV on a cock and Paul & Angela Smith RV on a cockerel.  Ten whites were shown by 3 with Paul & Angela Smith winning BV on a cockerel and Ernie Haire RV on a pullet.  Thirteen blacks were shown by 4 with Max Strawn winning BV, BB, Best AOSB, Champion large fowl and Supreme Show Champion with a cock and RV with a cockerel.  There was one EEL shown by a non member to make a total of 68 head of large fowl.

  Nine blue bantams were shown by two with Max Strawn winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Thirteen buff were shown by two with Ernie Haire winning BV and RV on two cockerels.  Five self blues were shown by Dorothy Haire.  Dorothy had BV and RV on two cockerels.  Peggy Taylor showed four silvers with her cockerel winning BV and hen RV.  Mary Laska showed 3 splash with her pullet winning BV and cockerel RV.  Sixteen wheaten were shown by 2 with Peggy Taylor winning BV on a cock and Max Strawn RV on a cockerel.  Peggy Taylor showed five splash wheaten with two cockerels winning BV and RV.  Ernie Haire showed six whites with his pullet winning BV and cock RV.  Eleven blacks were shown by two with Max Strawn winning BV and RB on a cockerel and RV also on a cockerel.  Fifteen blue wheatens were shown by 2 with Peggy Taylor winning BV, BB and Res. AOCCL on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  It was great to see the Ameraucanas on champion row!  Peggy also had champion display for the AOCCL with her blue wheatens!

  The Junior show was held the next following weekend on Jan. 21 & 22.  There were 56 large fowl judged by Sam Brush.  Twelve head of blues were shown with Matthew Smith winning BV on a hen and Houston Story RV on a pullet.  Three buff were shown with Austin Jones winning BV on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  Thirteen self blue were shown with Houston Story winning BV on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  Two blue wheaten were shown by Matthew Smith with his cock winning BV and pullet RV.  Matthew also showed two wheatens into BV with a cockerel and RV with a pullet.  Seven whites were shown with Matthew winning BV on a cockerel and RV on a pullet.  Twelve blacks were shown with Clarabelle Galbraith winning BV, BB, Best AOSB and Champion large fowl of the junior show on a cock.  First time ever that champions of both shows (open and junior) were Ameraucanas!  Clarabelle also had RV, RB and Res. AOSB on a black hen.  Six EEL were shown for a total of 56.

  The Ft. Worth show places the top 5 of each class.  It was great to see the Ameraucanas win all 5 spots, especially against the Sumatras, Naked Necks and others that were there.  Clarabelle’s black cock bred by Max Strawn was first.  Clarabelle’s black hen from Jan Geis was second.  Matthew Smith’s blue hen from Paul & Angela Smith was third and his black pullet was fourth.  Houston Story’s blue cock bred by Max Strawn, was fifth.

  The Junior bantams show had two exhibitors showing 12 head.  This will greatly increase as the bantams come available!  Craig Rounsaville judged the bantams.  Four blacks were shown with Jacob Birdsong winning BV, BB, Best AOCCL on a pullet and RV on a cockerel.  One chocolate cockerel was shown by Madison Budde into BV.  Madison Budde also showed two silvers winning BV on a cock and RV on a hen.  Madison showed one blue wheaten cockerel to win BV and RB and one wheaten cock into BV.  Three whites were shown with Jacob Birdsong winning BV on a hen and RV on a pullet.  Ameraucanas won three of the top five in the AOCCL class.  Jacob Birdsong’s black pullet which won Best AOCCL was first, Madison Budde’s blue wheaten cockerel placed 4th and her black cockerel 5th.

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