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Messages - Holiday Hatch

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Breeding / Re: Photos-Dark color splashes in Wheaten variety down
« on: March 03, 2014, 03:29:41 PM »
Here are some photos of the chick with the dark color splashes on it's back.  Let me know if the images aren't clear enough.  Thanks again.  Linda

Breeding / Dark color splashes in Wheaten variety down
« on: March 03, 2014, 12:29:35 AM »
I tried to post this a few days ago but the photo was too large and I haven't figured out how to decrease the image size on this camera yet.  Last weekend some chicks hatched that should be Wheaten/Blue Wheaten or Splash Wheaten.  One of the chicks had about 4 tiny little splashes of very dark, almost black feathers on it's back.  I'm sure this isn't a good thing but could someone tell me what it might be from?  One of my Wheaten hens has black feathers in her hackles and I just learned at the Stockton, CA Poultry Show that this isn't desireable.  Maybe the chick is from one of her eggs?
One more question I have is about the little dark spot on top of the head on this variety.  I remember it being mentioned on the Forum and I think it's desireable but what does it mean?
I've been reading the Genetics Mini Series and some other sources to try and get a better understanding of chicken genetics but I've got a long way to go.  Thanks for the help.  Linda

Exhibiting & Promoting / Re: My First Poultry Show
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:29:05 PM »
Janet - This past weekend, I enered my first Poultry Show in Stockton, CA.  I entered only one Blue Wheaten Cockerel.  I bathed him a week prior to the show with Baby Mild Castille Soap.  I don't think it was the best choice because his feathers didn't lay nicely at the show even though he still did quite well.  A friend said he used a mild dish soap but be sure to wash/rinse out the soap residue well.  He suggested scrubbing the feet with a brush and keep them separate until the show so not to get all messed up again.  I let mine back with the flock because it was more stressful to isolate him, but I gave the feet a touch up before we left for the show.  I blow dried him after the bath, but didn't think of combing the beard and muff.  I'd like to know what other people use to bathe their birds for shows?
I used their feed.  They provided tiny little clear plastic cups.  Logan Miller and his mother were there and they gave me lots of tips plus a larger clear plastic cup for water for my Cockerel.  Lots of people had their own generic looking food and water containers but I hadn't considered it might suggest who the exhibitor is.
My big concern is bringing back anything to the flock since I keep a closed flock and practice bio-security.  That's one of the reasons I sold the Cockerel after the show.  However, I purchased a beautiful Wheaten Cockerel from Logan Miller at the show and the new Cockerel is now in quarantine.  I'll take blood samples and test him for certain things before I introduce him to the flock.
It was stressful for me and my Cockerel, but once he got cooped in, it got much better.  He took an immediate liking to the Blue Wheaten pullet next to him and settled into crowing with the rest of them. 
The best part was meeting and networking with other breeders and learning a great deal.  For information on filling out entry forms, I called the munber on the form and asked lots of questions about anything I didn't understand.  Best of luck to you.  Linda

Breeding / Re: Breeding Procedure Question
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:23:17 PM »
There's so much I need to learn and I appreciate the input.  My concern was the gene pool I'm working with from 3 breeders stock wasn't big enough.  Because with those original hatching eggs, one cross beek chick hatched which I never used for breeding.  I've had a couple of very slight cross beeks hatch since which I've culled.  I thought crossing the lines the way I did might have caused that.  Any more thoughts on this are appreciated.  Linda

Breeding / Re: Breeding Procedure Question
« on: January 23, 2014, 10:48:27 PM »
Close breeding without breeding siblings or parents with offspring, after that first year, is my suggestion.

Thank you for the feedback John.  I have Wheaten/Blue Wheaten.  Per your above statement, I know not to do siblings, but I thought father to daughter and son to mother is good practice.

Breeding / Breeding Procedure Question
« on: January 23, 2014, 06:20:11 PM »
The way I started my flock is as follows; and I would like advice if this is good or bad policy.
I started with hatching eggs.  From that hatch, I separated out the cockerel from the pullets and put them into two groups.   
I got eggs from second breeder and kept only one cockerel to put with the pullets in the above group.
I got eggs from a third breeder and kept one pullet which I put with the cockerel in the above group.
I was working with stock from 3 different breeders.
Out of the chicks I got from the above crossings, I've taken the best cockerel from one group and plan to cross him with the pullets from the other group.
Is this crossing procedure too closely related?  Would I be better off bringing in an outside cockerel and do line breeding in the future?   
Thanks for the help - Linda

Breeding / Re: Double Mating
« on: December 31, 2013, 02:07:36 PM »
Thank you all for the replies and detailed discussion.  It makes sense now and I would never have figured it out without some explanation.  Linda

Breeding / Double Mating
« on: December 30, 2013, 05:55:33 PM »
Hello fellow club members.  Recently there were a few posts about double mating.  Could someone please tell me what is meant by the term Double Mating?  Thank you - Linda

Breeding / Re: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Feather color
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:34:08 PM »
Thank you so much for the Blue Wheaten confirmation.  Linda

Breeding / Re: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Feather color
« on: October 14, 2013, 01:41:48 PM »
Attached is a photo of the Pullet's wing spread out, to help me clarify if she's Wheaten or Blue Wheaten.  Thank you for the help.  Linda 

Breeding / Re: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Feather color
« on: October 13, 2013, 09:16:00 PM »
I'll try to post a photo tomorrow with spread out wing feathers.  Thank you - Linda

Breeding / Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Feather color
« on: October 12, 2013, 08:01:00 PM »
I have a Blue Wheaten pullet with rather dark blue feathers in her tail.  She has blue feathers in her wings.  I don't yet have an APA Manual to look this up.  Is she still a Blue Wheaten if her tail and wing feathers are darker blue than what I see on Blue Wheaten Female on this website?  Is there a color variance
in Blue Wheaten Females, or is this not meeting the standard?  I tried to attach a photo but it wouldn't work.  I don't know if you can help me without the photo.  Thank you.  Linda

Breeding / Re: Feather color on Blue Wheaten Cockerel
« on: October 02, 2013, 07:13:57 PM »
Mike - I appreciate the suggestions on what to look for; that helps.  There is so much to consider.  Thank you - Linda

Breeding / Feather color on Blue Wheaten Cockerel
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:05:36 PM »
Members of the Forum have told me before that Wheaten & Blue Wheaten Cockerels are late to mature.  I'm trying to cull a few of the ones I have that are 6 months old.  Is this still way too early? 
A couple of the Cockerels have some red/gold feathering among the gray feathers in the low back abdomen, beneath the wing. (I don't know the proper term for this area)  Is this feather color okay or a disqualifier?  Will the feather color change to gray later on?  Thank you for the help - Linda

Breeding / Swirling Hackle Feathers
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:18:44 PM »
I have two Ameraucanas with hackle feathers that swirl around to one side.   It reminds me of a cow lick in peoples hair.  One of them is a cross beek Wheaten pullet from last years hatch of purchased eggs.  The other is a young Wheaten cockerel from some of my eggs this year.  They aren't related.  I don't use the cross beek's eggs for hatching, of course.  I'm culling the cockerel.  Can anyone enlighten me on this feather pattern?  Thank you - Linda

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