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Messages - Max

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I agree with your statement as regards the Blue Ameraucana.  The Standard does call for the same color pattern as found in Blue Andalusian - those are considered the pinnacle of blue feathering in chickens.  However the Standard for Blue Wheaten does not compare to the blue Andalusian and does not call for the black or glossy black lacing found in the Andalusian. 

At one point, I agreed that the word "lacing" should probably be changed to "edging", however, after further research, I realized it is really splitting hairs and an unnecessary change.  I have never agreed to the "preferred shafting" and think that would be an error on our part to condone or request such a change.

I personally don't believe that "blue wheaten" should be compared to "blue". They are two completely different varieties. That being said, I do believe that a standard description change would be detrimental to the work that many breeders have put into the Blue Wheaten variety.

My question is that once we have chickens that are accepted and recognized as a breed and/or variety based on selectively breeding and characteristics, when do we start breeding the best of them to the best of them and stop crossbreeding?

When the best of them have all the genes required to match the standard description.

 What is the difference in a crossbred chicken that is crossed to improve a particular characteristic and an Easter Egger, a mut, or a crossbred bird?

There is no difference until they are bred back to good Ameraucana type.

Ameraucanas are not the only breed that is crossbreeding to improve a particular characteristic. Look around the show barns and it is easy to see other breeds that have crossbred birds representing purebred breeds.

There are no purebred birds or breeds, only standard bred, as in bred to the Standard of Perfection.

I agree there a lot of people showing their project birds before they are ready. That is their choice. It doesn't mean they are wrong in doing so.  I have done it myself. It's up to the judge to select the best bird.

 I guess I am too simple minded to see stepping back as moving forward,

If you find yourself at a dead end, what do you do? You go back until you find your way out.

I think that we put too much importance on lacing of Blue Ameraucanas. One of the elephants in the room that nobody wants to address is the constant attempt to improve the lacing on Blue Ameraucanas drives people toward crossbreeding. Am I the only one who has noticed that most of the better laced Blue Ameraucanas carry other Andalusian characteristics? I have to shake my head when someone mentions the beautiful lacing on the Blue Ameraucana. They never want to discuss the white earlobes, elongated feathers, or the Mediterranean body type of their beautiful Blue Ameraucana.  This is why we do not breed and or show Blue Ameraucanas.

You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em or let 'em have it. I refused to use Andalusians in our Blue Ameraucana breeding program, so I decided to let 'em have it.

Be Blessed,
Ernie Haire


Most breeds and varieties of chickens were created by crossing other breeds or varieties together and then selecting the offspring to breed towards the SOP description. That's how all Ameraucanas were created. If the genes required to match the SOP description are not present, then you have to bring them in from other breeds or varieties.  The SOP describes the color blue as Andalusian blue. Every breed that has a blue variety is referenced back to Andalusian blue for the description of the color. Yes, there are a lot of laced blue Ameraucana being shown that have Andalusian traits. This project is still in its early stages. It will take time to get them back to good Ameraucana type. Sometimes in order to continue moving forward, first you have to take a few steps back.

Housing, Health & Hatching / Re: A Hard Lesson on Biosecurity
« on: August 26, 2017, 08:30:19 AM »
Thanks everyone for your support. It's not the end of the world. It's just extremely inconvenient. It does however, give me the opportunity to make some improvements to my setup. It's hard to move pens when they are all full of birds. I plan to install an automatic watering system. Getting tired of hauling water every day...

Housing, Health & Hatching / A Hard Lesson on Biosecurity
« on: August 24, 2017, 08:12:42 AM »
I have always considered myself a conscious observer and enforcer of good biosecurity practices on my property. About six weeks ago, I had a lapse in judgement and let my guard down. As a result, my birds have been infected with Laryngotracheitis (ILT) and the Texas Animal Health Commission will be depopulating most of my flock. Fortunately, they are willing to work with me to save my bloodlines and the hard work I have put into them. I will be quarantined and allowed to keep only a select few birds for breeding purposes. As soon as I have enough chicks, the remaining breeders will be depopulated.

To protect everyone and to prevent the possibility of spreading the virus, I will not be entering or visiting any poultry shows this year. As much as I would like to see and visit with my poultry friends, I feel like this is the right thing to do.

If you have been fortunate enough to avoid a devastating disease outbreak within your flock, don’t take it for granted and don’t let your guard down. It only takes one person, one bird, one touch or one step in the wrong spot to spread disease. If you are unfamiliar with good biosecurity practices, I encourage you to research and learn all you can. One day, it may prevent you from losing your flock.

If you show or plan to show, vaccinate and follow good quarantine practices when you return home. It could save your flock as well.

After this, I don’t know that I will ever let another poultry related person enter the yard. I suppose with proper biosecurity measures it would be ok, but at this point I’m not willing to risk it.

On a more positive note, I have the opportunity to start fresh and eliminate any other diseases that may be present including those that are carried through the egg such as MG. I don’t know how long it will last but at least I know where I am starting from.

Click the link below and scroll to page 9.

News and Information / HOTOPA Double Show-Fayetteville, AR
« on: November 08, 2016, 08:49:25 AM »
First of all, congrats to all the winners at the national meet! Meanwhile in Arkansas… Jan Geis was dominant at the HOTOPA double show, winning BV/BB CH AOSB in both shows with her beautiful black cockerel. He was reserve champ large fowl in show 1. She also had RB in both shows with a blue cock. Yes… I was sent home with my tail tucked and yelping like a scalded dog. I did manage to squeak out a RV with a blue pullet, BV/RV in Wheaten and Blue Wheaten, and everything in the bantams since I was the only one showing them.  Be sure to congratulate her on a job well done! She has come a long way in a short time. I’ll send the info to Paul so he can post an official report.

Congratulations Jerry!

Exhibiting & Promoting / Re: 2016 National, Caldwell, ID
« on: November 02, 2016, 02:17:23 PM »
Will do, Paul. Good luck to you and everyone else attending! I know you will represent the SC district very well.

Exhibiting & Promoting / Re: 2016 National, Caldwell, ID
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:13:34 AM »
I know there are a few that are leaving for the national today because of the distance to travel. Everyone be safe and careful on your way there and back home. I wish I were going but it's just a little out of my reach this year. Besides, we need to spread the winnings around a little bit anyway. Just kidding Lol!  :)

I'll donate 20 assorted large fowl chicks. Blue, black, splash, wheaten, blue wheaten. If the winner wants more of any particular variety than another, I will try to accommodate.

Breeding / Re: Egg shell coloring
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:51:31 AM »
Although blue egg color is the goal, it should not define the difference between an EE and a true Ameraucana. Egg color is not part of the SOP description. If anyone is choosing egg color over type, then they are doing an injustice to the breed.

Housing, Health & Hatching / Re: Building the Best Breeding Pens?
« on: February 24, 2016, 07:39:28 AM »
In my area, the soil is called black clay. As long as it is dry it's ok. If it rains, it makes the sloppiest mess you ever seen. The water will not absorb like it does in sandy areas. With all the flooding we have had in the last year, I finally had enough and put floors in all my breeder pens. I am using pine shavings about 3 inches deep. It is a much cleaner setup and I don't have to move the pens anymore. So far, the shavings are holding up well. They have been in the pens for two months and are still pretty clean with very little smell other than pine.  :)

Ameraucana Marketplace / Large fowl chick orders
« on: December 28, 2015, 09:49:48 PM »
I'm now taking orders for day old large fowl chicks. Available in Blue, Black, Splash, Wheaten, and Blue Wheaten. I will start shipping in March. You can contact me at or 214-537-0334.  :)

Congratulations Jerry. You deserve it! :D

Exhibiting & Promoting / Re: Bluebonnet Classic in College Station Texas
« on: December 28, 2015, 09:27:32 PM »
I'm not going to make it this time but I'll see y'all in Ft. Worth.  :)

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