« on: March 10, 2012, 07:58:42 PM »
Using a 1-1/2 needle you could get by if you are careful to not let it protrude through and go out the other side. It will sure slow down the process and with open time of about 1 hr after mixing the vacine you won\'t get as many chicks done. I have used \"1 needles and even with them you have to slow down and be careful- 1/2 inch works much better. We usually gather the chicks in 30 gal rubber storage tubs all lined up. My daughter is the catcher and holder. I swab and vacinate. When we first started we could only do about 50-60 chicks an hour. But with practice our best has been about 174 an hour. That\'s with about 70% bantams which are much harder than LF. That\'s smoking! You do not have to rub the bubble on the chicks neck. Just watch them and keep them warm. I think the alcohol swab cooling them down is harder on them than the vacine. I have never had a chick have adverse reactions to the vacine. All in all, it\'s probably harder on my daughter and me trying to beat the clock and use as much vacine before time runs out!
Good Luck- It\'s not as complicated as it sounds. You\'ll be a pro in no time!